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这款车将在该公司的工厂查塔努加,田纳西州。The car will be built at the company's plant in Chattanooga , TN.

例如,在田纳西的查塔努加的页岩中,磷酸盐岩石含有的铀更多。In Tennessee's Chattanooga shale, for example, there is more uranium in phosphate rock.

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格兰特于10月下旬来到了查塔努加。Grant arrived in Chattanooga late in October. The city was full of hungry Union soldiers.

美国田纳西州东南部一城市,位于乔治亚洲边界处,是查塔诺加市的郊区。人口2,0。A city of southeast Tennessee, a suburb of Chattanooga on the Georgia border. Population, 2,0.

在这一套纪念瓶的查塔努加可口可乐装瓶公司100周年。The bottle in this set commemorates the 100th anniversary of the Chattanooga COCA-COLA bottling company.

瓦楞纸的回收箱,也被捐赠给查塔努加河湾节,从六月六号至14号。Corrugated recycling bins also have been donated to the Chattanooga Riverbend Festival, running from June 6-14.

美国田纳西州中南部一城市,位于查塔努加西北,是旅游胜地和加工业中心。人口16,761。A city of south-central Tennessee northwest of Chattanooga. It is a resort and processing center. Population, 16,761.

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美国田纳西州东南部,查塔努加东北偏东的一座城市,是一个有多种工业的贸易中心。人口30,354。A city of southeast Tennessee east-northeast of Chattanooga. It is a trade center with varied industries. Population, 30,354.

克利夫兰美国田纳西州东南部,查塔努加东北偏东的一座城市,是一个有多种工业的贸易中心。人口30,354。A city of southeast Tennessee east-northeast of Chattanooga. It is a trade center with varied industries. Population, 30, 354.

但是在1863年的初秋,叛军部队却躲藏到查特怒加的山间悬崖处,设下陷阱引诱联邦军队。But in the early fall of 1863, rebel forces moved into the mountains and bluffs overlooking Chattanooga , trapping the Union Army.

在一周内,北方的补给车就源源不断地进入查塔努加,在几周内,被击败的北方军已经做好了再次战斗的准备。Within one week, supply wagons were rolling into Chattanooga. Within a few weeks, the defeated Union army was ready to fight again.

查塔努加将收到轮廓形状的回收箱瓶装的信号山高中和遗产高中,开在秋季。Chattanooga will receive contour bottled shaped recycling bins for Signal Mountain High School and Heritage High School, set to open in the fall.

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在查塔努加战役结束五个月后,格兰特于1864年3月向东进发,他决定要将他的指挥部随波托马可军团一起设在最前线,他说他不需要从华盛顿得到什么指挥,但他必须前往华盛顿向林肯总统阐述他的计划。Grant went east in March eighteen sixty-four, five months after the battle at Chattanooga. He decided to make his headquarters in the field with the Army of the Potomac.

我要把休士顿的房子卖掉,以为可以很快找到买主,所以没有等旧房子卖掉,就在查塔努加签约买了一栋房子。We had a house to sell, but presuming we could find a buyer quickly, committed to purchase a home in Chattanooga without making it contingent on selling the other house.

几英亩的优美的花园,在这个历史悠久的酒店客人享受查塔努加的过去与现代的完美融合和设施。Set on several acres of beautifully landscaped gardens, guests at this Chattanooga historic hotel enjoy the perfect blend of the past with modern conveniences and amenities.

他们家住在田纳西州查塔努加市,2007年2月两人离婚,不过因为财务原因,他们仍然住在一起。She and her husband divorced in February 2007, but for financial reasons continued to live together in their house in Chattanooga , Tenn. cheap eve isk, until the following May.