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许多喷气机都有加力燃烧室。Many jets have an afterburner.

乳加力里的纳豆是怎样生成的?Afterburner in milk produced natto is how?

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后燃加力系统运行平缓。Afterburner system is runing very smoothly.

代理香港华润加力高级润滑油。Acting Hong Kong China Resources afterburner senior lubricants.

GK乳加力中的优钙因子对宝宝主要起什么作用?GK excellent calcium in milk Afterburner baby major factor on what role?

微星加力硬件自己的应用监测统计。MSI Afterburner hardware monitoring statistics from their own applications.

有拮抗时用手指从颏部向唇方加力。When there is antagonistic to the chin with your fingers from the lip side afterburner.

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最后在不同的给定条件下对主、加力燃油调节器进行了仿真研究。Lastly, the main and afterburner fuel regulators were simulated under different conditions.

举个例子,F-35在军用推力状态下经常迫使追击它的飞机要打开加力。For example, the F-35 often forces the chase aircraft into afterburner when it is in military power.

按揉中要先轻后重,随着肌肉痉挛的逐渐缓解而逐渐加力。Massage in the first light after, with the muscle spasm was gradually relieved gradually afterburner.

所有的计算与最大的推力一起做可得的使用过的也,藉由完整的后燃器的引擎。All the calculations are done with maximum thrust available used also, with the engine in full afterburner.

在第5次试飞时,我们实验了首次加力状态下的发动机瞬态并同时实验了其它的一些发动机瞬态测试。On Flight 5, we performed the first afterburner engine transient as well as performing other engine transient testing.

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我们需要在其他语言,猜测你的帮助是什么?你出色的工作将包括在加力最终版本。We need YOUR help on other language, guess what? your excellent work will be included in final version of Afterburner.

该机当时有412名乘客,其中一名乘客表示,他看到一台发动机喷火,“就像开了加力燃烧室的战斗机”。The aircraft had 412 passengers on board, one of whom said he saw flames "like the afterburner of a fighter jet" from an engine.

在任意曲线坐标系下对带有横向波纹隔热屏、外冷却通道和尾喷口的涡喷加力燃烧室的三维热态流场进行数值模拟。The flow field calculation and buckling analysis were conducted for the afterburner with a heat shield, flame stabilizer and jet nozzle.

在涡扇发动机基础上,以脉冲爆震燃烧室代替普通加力燃烧室构成涡扇-脉冲爆震组合发动机。Based on a turbofan engine, the afterburner is replaced with pulse detonation combustor to form a turbofan-pulse detonation hybrid engine.

在用SIMPLE方法计算模型加力燃烧室的流场时,发现SIMPLE方法存在不易收敛的问题。The fluid fields in modelling afterburner are calculated using SIMPLE procedure, it is found difficult to make the calculation convergence.

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对陶瓷蒸发腔稳定器用于模型加力燃烧室的火焰稳定性进行了初步的实验研究及分析。Preliminary experimental study and analysis on flame stability of a model afterburner in which a ceramic stabilizer is used are described in this paper.

上述结果对研究低频振荡燃烧机理和抑制技术有一定的参考价值。The above experimental result is of value for the mechanism and suppression of low frequency combustion oscillation in an afterburner of a turbofan engine.

本文对装有钝体火焰稳定器的加力燃烧室燃烧效率特性进行了数值分析和实验研究。This paper presents the combustion efficiency characteristics of an afterburner with bluff-body flame holders investigated with both numerical and experimental methods.