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这个抄写本是给你的。This copybook is for you.

我可以给他拿一本写字本吗?May I have a copybook for him?

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我可以给他一本复写簿麽?May i have a copybook for him?

他在练习册上弄了一个大的污渍。He made a huge blot on his copybook.

这是我父亲的一次习字练习。It was one of my father's own copybook exercises.

看,这是我的故事书,那是她的抄写本。Look , this is my storybook and that's her copybook.

这个模版是用EXCEL做成的,比较像中国的字帖。The model tool made by EXCEL, like chinese copybook.

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我可以给一个习字簿给苏洋吗?当然可以。给你。May I have a copybook for Su Yang? Sure. Here you are.

书法时临摹的字帖都是繁体。He practiced writing original forms of characters from a copybook of calligraphy.

在她每科考试都不及格而自毁名声之前,她一直是老师最喜欢的学生。She was the teacher's favourite pupil until she blotted her copybook by failing all her examinations.

此外他对碑刻书法艺术和法帖的流传等做出了巨大的贡献。He did huge contribution to make calligraphies engraved on stele and calligraphy's copybook go around.

查尔斯正用笔在桌上的一本字帖上划着,乔在跟着他一起读,而乔的妈妈正在角落里纺纱。Charles was at the table, ruling a copybook Joe was reading to him, while his mother wasspinning in the corner.

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这赛季早些时候的欧洲杯小组赛对阵苏格兰时舍瓦攻入一球,这在他的功劳簿上又记一笔。Shevchenko blotted his copybook earlier in the season by scoring a goal against Scotland in a European qualifier.

无论他们的笔迹与字帖相差多大,写的字有所创新表明这个人很有自信和较高的审美能力。Originality in handwriting-how far the writer derivates from copybook script-indicates confidence and artistic ability.

他还有一个充满事迹的国际足球生涯,获得88年欧洲杯,虽然他因为在90年意大利世界杯中向沃勒尔吐口水而有了不好的名声。Also had an eventful international career, winning Euro 88', however he blotched his copybook by infamously spitting at Rudi Voller at Italia 90'.

废墟中的一本习字簿倒是给了点提示,但除了塑胶资料夹护住的封面,它几乎已经烧毁殆尽。Rather than the bodies what does offer a clue is a copybook found in the ruins entirely burnt except for its cover which was protected by a plastic folder.

“百度的一项最大挑战就是清除对政府的负面信息”,香港博达公司主席邓肯克拉克认为,这是一家在北京的投资咨询和顾问公司。"One of Baidu's biggest challenges is keeping its copybook clean with the government," says Duncan Clark, chairman of BDA China, an investment advisory and consulting firm in Beijing.