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生气,不悦一阵愠怒。A fit of petulant sulkiness.

我们,是不会被这个讨厌的愚人所替代的。We will not be swept aside by this petulant fool!

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阴凉处的泉水清醇,情人间的嗔怒甜美。——瓦鲁瓦尔。The shade of the fresh water from the spring, the petulant sweet lovers.

一旦你爸爸想清楚,停止使性子后,他就会回来。But once your dad comes to his senses and stops being petulant , he'll come home.

是对社会尖锐的批判还是上层社会任性的牢骚?Is this trenchant social commentary or the petulant complaint of the privileged class?

性格较急躁的孩子,宜用线条柔和、色彩淡雅的家具。The child with more petulant disposition, appropriate uses line the furniture of quietly elegant of downy, colour.

弗朗西斯脾气暴躁,灰熊受够了他的苦瓜脸,于是他最终没在温哥华露脸,而是被灰熊送到了别处。Francis never showed up in Vancouver, having been petulant and pouting enough for the Grizzlies to send him elsewhere.

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这就像一个三岁的小孩子使性子一样,厚颜无耻的追求一些她不感兴趣的东西。There is still something of the petulant 3-year-old here, brazenly pursuing something that is decidedly not in her interests.

但是我们是神,是凡人的崇拜的神,是这座山脉的统治者,我们是不会被这个讨厌的愚人所代替的。But we are the Gods. We whom the mortals worship. We who rule over this land. We will not be swept aside by this petulant fool!

美国国防部长罗伯特•盖茨抱怨中国面对各种议题动不动就断然拒绝,为会议带来一股冷锋。Robert Gates, America’s defence secretary, complained about petulant rebuffs from China, which at the time put up a cold front.

为什么我们还要跟中国继续商业合作?他们表现得就像无知的任性小孩,对于任何国际法都不顾虑。Why do we continue doing business with China? They act like an ignorant and petulant child with no concern for any international laws.

对于缺乏鉴别的媒体,微软看上去慷慨、谦卑,而我们则狂妄、无理。And yet to the uncritical eye of the media, Microsoft is comes across looking humble and generous while we look petulant and ungrateful.

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还记得十天前在伯明翰那往广告板失礼的一踢吗?还记得他在赛前鼓励沃尔考特吗?Remember that petulant stab at the advertising hoarding at Birmingham 10 days ago and then his poke in the eye for Theo Walcott on the eve of the game?

曾经韩寒被评论家们认为是易怒和难以控制的,现今他超越了感性层面来抨击诗人、明星和友邻博主们。Once viewed by critics as petulant and self-consciously rebellious, Mr. Han has moved beyond ad hominem attacks on poets, pop stars and fellow bloggers.

抵抗老板的风气比我有生以来的任何时候都更流行,人们性情急躁,喜悦和不快交替发作。Anti-boss rage is more in vogue than it has ever been in my lifetime and I find I'm watching the petulant display with alternate surges of glee and discomfort.

反抗老板的风气比我有生以来的任何时候都更流行,人们性情暴躁,喜悦和不快交替发作。Anti-boss rage is more in vogue than it has ever been in my lifetime and I find I'm watching the petulant display with alternate surges of glee and discomfort.

虽然法耶德家族的这位继承人总是温和、有礼,但简直让他感觉“如芒刺在背”,因为多迪毫无时间概念,却还为必然的延误发脾气。Although unaggressive and unfailingly polite, the Fayed heir was "a complete pain in the backside" with no concept of time-keeping, yet petulant at necessary delays.

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本报不同意政府的许多观点,如它对欧洲的任性态度、它以银行家为基础、它对移民的不重视等。There are all sorts of areas where this newspaper disagrees with the government—its petulant attitude to Europe, its banker- basing, its failure to prize immigrants.

是的,这一回,当巴萨球员及官员怒火中烧的誓要完成一场伟大的比赛时,他们的希望之火却与此同时在家门口熄灭了。No, home was where the fire was extinguished and with it came the burns damage of their high-concept glory game being tarnished by the petulant behaviour of their players and officials.

但是一些过分夸张的假摔和粗暴的肘击使得他在三月份表现很差劲,还得到了第二次停赛三场,而这一切都发生在阿森纳正在寻找他们的位置的时候。Some over-exaggerated diving and a petulant elbow that saw him sent off in March did little for his standing and earned him a second three-match ban just as Arsenal were finding their form.