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高校是维护社会稳定、反对民族分裂的重要阵地。Colleges are the most important place to uphold social stability and combat national splittism.

反对分裂主义要坚定不移地相信和依靠各民族的广大干部和群众,等等。Fighting against the splittism must believe in and depend on the national cadres and people firmly.

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20世纪后半期,阿族人口迅速增长,成为科索沃阿族分离主义的基础。And in the latter half of the 20th century, their population increased quickly, which became the basis of splittism.

新疆民族分裂主义“三股势力”的反动主张决定了他们一切行动的反动性。The reactionary propaganda of "three gangs" of national splittism show the reactionary essence of all their actions.

五代十国时期是唐末藩镇割据的继续和发展。The Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period is the continuation and development of the Late Tang Dynasty opposite to the splittism.

而达赖喇嘛向来被中国大陆视为分裂主义的代表性人物之一,任何与他交往的国家和领袖都会遭到大陆的强烈抗议。But he is one fo the leading figures of the splittism in mainland. China will outcry against any country or leader who associate with Dalai Lama.

同时,维护宗教信仰的民族性特点,坚决反对利用宗教信仰作掩护的民族分裂主义。Furthermore, we should maintain the nationality feature of religious beliefs and fight against nationality splittism concealed by religious beliefs.

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可以预计,在今后一段时间内,民族分裂活动有可能成为引发冲突乃至局部战争的重大问题。It can be estimated that in the next few years national splittism activity will probably become a key problem that provokes conflicts and even local war.

因为自从97年刑法取消了“特务罪”,将台湾谍报人员也按照“间谍罪”定罪处罚以来,台独分子就一直借此大做文章,煽风点火。Since the "97 Penal Law" replaced the "crime of secret agent" for the "crime of espionage", the splittists often keep making use of this change for splittism.

西班牙巴斯克民族分离主义运动已经进行了一个世纪,但是,不仅没有达到“独立”的诉求,而且越来越不可能“独立”。Its nearly a century since Basque national splittism was carried on. However, it has not gained "independence" and seems more and more unlikely to achieve the purpose.