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在一些双星系里。In some binary systems.

二进制数据通信。Binary data communication.

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这是一个二择其一的问题。This is a binary decision.

二进制位的是被称为位。A binary digit is called a bit.

所花费的步骤数是一样的。Right, in the binary case, bam.

二进位样式是相同的。The binary pattern was identical.

二叉树的操作和使用。Binary Tree, the operation and use.

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计算机的语言是二进位制的。The language of computer is binary.

预设使用二进位传输!Using binary mode to transfer files.

为什么存在二进制不兼容性?Why is there binary incompatibility?

使用标准二进制分发包安装Axis2单机服务器Download Standard Binary Distribution

下载预编译的二进制映像。Download the precompiled binary image.

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我想要继续讲讲,双星的概念。I want to pursue the idea of binary stars.

动态冰浆是一种固-液两相流体。Ice slurry is a solid-liquid binary fluid.

二进制值是明确不允许的。Binary values are explicitly not permitted.

我被抓到制造二进位穿孔卡片的工厂里了!I'm trapped in a binary punch card factory!

好了,这就是二分查找的基本思想。OK. That's the basic idea of binary search.

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哪个文件集包含某个二进制程序?Which fileset contains a particular binary?

给定一个二叉树,找到他的深度。Given a binary tree, find its maximum depth.

在星系中双星系统是很常见的。Binary star systems are common in the galaxy.