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我参加了一次存在主义的考试。I took a test in Existentialism.

存在主义是一门关于选择的哲学。Existentialism is a philosophy of choice.

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我记得我给存在主义写的这篇论文。I remember this paper I wrote on existentialism.

青年尼采的文化观是生存论性质的。Youth Nietzsche's cultural view is of existentialism.

我多少是从存在主义的角度说的,你知道吗?I'm saying this more as, like, existentialism , you know?

而这种哲学在西方称为存在主义。And this philosophy is called existentialism in the western.

生存主义者通常心地善良、家世清白。The Existentialism usually kind-hearted, innocent family background.

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马克思的新自然观是历史生存论的自然观。Marxs new concept of nature is the natural view of existentialism of history.

大江健三郎是日本存在主义文学的代表作家。Kenzaburo Oe is a representative writer of Japanese existentialism literature.

酒神精神与萨特的存在主义哲学在其小说中得到艺术再现。So, Dithyramb spirit and Sartre's existentialism get the art emersion in her novels.

存在主义强调的荒诞更是成为黑色幽默小说的主题之一。Absurdityadvocated by existentialism comes to be one of the themes of black humor novels.

我想,对于若干对存在主义的责难我们已经回答了。We have now, I think, dealt with a certain number of the reproaches against existentialism.

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存在主义在20世纪反映了后现代世界中确定性的丧失。Existentialism in the 20th century reflects the loss of certainties in the post-modern world.

在这个意义上,可以将魏微的部分小说纳入存在主义的广义范畴。Therefore, some of her novellas can be fit into the domain of Existentialism in the broad sense.

让一保罗·萨特和西蒙娜·德·波伏瓦是存在主义文学的两位重要作家。Jean Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir are two important writers of the existentialism literature.

但所谓的存在主义的结论是你是不需要的,你的生命没有意义。But the conclusion of so-called existentialism is that you are not needed, and your life is meaningless.

它嘲笑一切事物的虚华,包括智慧,信封绝对的实存主义。It scoffs at the vanity of all things, including wisdom, and espouses a kind of positive existentialism.

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第三章拯救之路,主要论述奥尼尔为现代人设计的拯救之路所具有的存在主义色彩。This chapter discusses the content of existentialism of the saving road designed by O'Neill for the modern man.

存在主义只是经由一贯的无神论的立场上来寻求充分结论的一种企图而已。Existentialism is nothing else but an attempt to draw the full conclusions from a consistently atheistic position.

在这里,我的趴的是要对存在主义所受到的一些指责,提出答辩。My purpose here is to offer a defence of existentialism against several reproaches that have been laid against it.