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搓搓背。Rub your back.

我可以给你按摩一下后背。I can rub your back.

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我只得把它擦掉了。I had to rub it out.

来次背部按摩怎么样?How about a back rub?

擦上乳膏后揉匀。Rub the cream in well.

这墨渍擦不掉。The ink won't rub out.

揉擦着你的手掌。Rub your palms together.

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根本就没有搓路这条路呀。Don't rub road, the road.

把这油擦在皮肤上。Rub this oil on your skin.

谢谢你给我按摩后背.Thank you for the back rub.

你看得出我擦了粉吗?Do you see I rub the powder?

当毛巾料干不擦的时候。When toweling dry don't rub.

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他开始按摩她的大脚指头。He starts to rub her big toe.

这墨水渍擦不掉。This ink stain won't rub out.

用桉树精油按摩肌肉。Use eucalyptus for a muscle rub.

正常使用情况下,不会脱妆。Will not rub off with normal use.

凯西奥在他太阳穴上摩擦摩擦。Cassio. Rub him about the temples.

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揉搓软膏使其渗入皮肤。Rub the ointment well in the skin.

我用这把刷子刷你的后背。I'll rub your back with this brush.

可以使橡皮球回跳。Rub ber balls can be made to bound.