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几百人来到最近在贝尔·查斯举办的海鲜节。Hundreds came to a recent seafood festival in Belle Chasse.

我们自己又做了一台,大概只花了六个礼拜,就在。The cab out there with a celine chasse , and we made it in like six weeks.

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在爵士舞的侧沙塞学习技术在这个自由百老汇舞蹈录像。Learn techniques for a side chasse in jazz dancing in this free Broadway dance video.

了解梅伦格舞蹈在这个自由的视频舞蹈课沙塞技术。Learn about the chasse technique of dancing the Merengue in this free video dance lesson.

在角落里跳拂步时,后续的侧行追步向哪个方向移动?In which direction will the following Chasse from PP move when the Whisk is danced at a corner?

一个用双臂在爵士舞沙塞学习技术在这个自由百老汇舞蹈录像。Learn techniques for a chasse with your arms in jazz dancing in this free Broadway dance video.

学习基本的男子在这个自由舞蹈课的狐步舞视频交叉沙塞步骤。Learn the basic cross chasse steps for men dancing the foxtrot in this free video dance lesson.

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夏斯报告说,在石油污染严重的地区,某些物种已几乎完全灭绝。Chasse reported that some species that lived in heavily oiled areas were almost completely wiped out.

了解如何在此免费视频教学西班牙舞斗牛舞中女士沙塞一步。Learn how to do the ladies chasse step in Paso Doble dancing in this free instructional Spanish dance video.

路易斯安那州声称,无论原油泄漏与否,他们都不会放弃海鲜。数以千计的人来到贝莱沙塞就是为了近期的海鲜节日。Oil spill or not, Louisianans say they will not give up seafood. Hundreds came to a recent seafood festival in Belle Chasse.

巴黎大区,在历史上从1900开始,是以西岱岛为中心的巴黎老城沿着中世纪以来的皇家狩猎场的道路向外发展的。The Grand Paris, with its origin dating back in 1900, has been expanding from the old city of Paris along the road of what has been La Chasse Royale since medieval.