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那就是享乐主义。That's hedonism.

这种观点被称为“享乐主义。That view is called hedonism.

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享乐主义仍然是正确的吗?So couldn't hedonism still be true?

“纵欲”“享乐”可能是杨朱的思想吗?。Are Carnalism and Hedonism Yang Zhu's Idea?

但我们还没问,是否应该接受享乐主义?But haven't yet asked, should we accept hedonism?

快乐主义就是中性容器理论的一种。Hedonism is a version of the neutral container theory.

享乐主义在统治阶级中盛行。Hedonism became increasingly popular among the ruling class.

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享乐主义和轻薄浮佻会将地狱扩展到我们的整个日子之中。Hedonism and frivolity will diffuse hell through all our days.

我们如果拥有信念,将会走出享乐主义的阴霾。And with that faith, we will walk out of the shadows of hedonism.

博士,旅日画家,快乐公社创始人。Doctor, sojourner artist in Japan, Initiator of hedonism community.

生活实践的功利主义诉求。Hedonism idol of culture aesthetics, Utilitarianism demand of life practice.

享乐主义出错的地方在于它们认为,它是唯一重要的东西。Where hedonism goes wrong is when they say it's the only thing that matters.

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希腊哲学家。居勒尼快乐主义学派的奠墓人。Greek philosopher, the troditional founder Of the Cyrenaic school of hedonism.

因而,它真正超越了拜金主义、享乐主义和个人主义。Therefore, it oversteps the money worship, the hedonism and the individualism.

或者如果你喜欢跳舞和欢笑,悉尼在享乐主义上排名第九。Or if you prefer a boogie and a laugh, Sydney ranks ninth in the hedonism stakes.

一些享乐主义者声称,这一反对享乐主义就在于误解。Some hedonists claim that this objection rests on a misinterpretation of hedonism.

享乐主义是一种,吸引很多人的观点,也许你们中也有人相信。So hedonism is a view that many people are attracted to, perhaps some of you believe.

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从弗拉戈纳尔的享乐主义到荷加斯的愤世嫉俗,18世纪的艺术中,性随处可见。Sex is everywhere in 18th-century art, from Fragonard's hedonism to Hogarth's cynicism.

杨朱作为他们的代言人,不可能宣扬纵欲、享乐思想。As their spokesman, it is not possible for Yang Zhu to publicize carnalism and hedonism.

戈森发现了边际效用递减规律和享乐最大化定律。Golson has discovered the descending law of boundary effect and the maximum law of hedonism.