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一个企业家应具有开阔的视野。An enterpriser should have the wide vision.

他是位眼光广阔,事业有成的企业家。He is a successful enterpriser with a breadth of vision.

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企业文化升华了企业家精神。The corporate culture sublimes the enterpriser spirit. mr.

事实也证明,作为企业家,张镇南的选择是正确的。The fact showed that as an enterpriser he had chosen the right way.

企业家阶层是一种宝贵的人力资源,它对提高企业竞争力至关重要。The enterpriser class as an important human resource, is crucial to the improvement of company competition.

探讨了企业家的概念及其具有哲学理念的重要性。The article is discussed about the concept of enterpriser and the importance of philosophy rational thought.

赚钱之道很多,但是找不到赚钱的种子,便成不了事业家。There is a lot of ways to earn money, however, if you cann’t find the correct one, you won’t be an enterpriser.

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企业家应从“模仿成功者”走上技术创新和信息化道路,开展新产品及其应用研究,开拓新市场。Enterpriser not only copy some products, but also create new technique, research new products and expand market.

“郎顾之争”等凸显出企业改制多种理论视角。A dispute between economist and enterpriser shows that there are a lot of theoretical perspectives and basic Orientations.

因此,要开发青海的企业家人力资本,必须首先改善制度环境。So Qinghai province government must improve this environment of system . so as to developing human capital of enterpriser.

制度缺陷、企业家精神的缺乏等是我国国有企业经营者行为短期化的根源。Defects in rules and regulations, lack of enterpriser psyche etc. are the root causes of momentarization of manager performance.

从他的一生经历中,可以看出他曾经先后做过企业家,律师,海军军官,最后变成了一个政治扒手。There might be found in his career an enterpriser , then a lawyer and then a marine officer who turned out to be a political pilferer.

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“不断否定自我,才能赢得自我,赢得市场”是我企业与企业家的文化内蕴。It is the cultural implication of our enterprise and enterpriser that only continuously disavowing selfhood can win selfhood and market.

促进经济增长的人力资本结构包括企业家人力资本、专业人力资本和一般人力资本。Based on economic growth, human capital may be divided into enterpriser human capital, specialized human capital and general human capital.

民营企业家在中国是一个特殊的社会群体,他们的素质和能力代表着中国经济发展的未来希望。The private enterpriser is special social group in China, their quality and ability represent the future hope of economy development of China.

综合国外、国内的若干实例,提出了企业家营销的七大要领,以及要防止陷入的七大误区。Based on the cases from home and abroad, the article lists seven principles of enterpriser marketing and the means to prevent the seven major traps.

从全球市场竞争的宏观角度着眼,对企业家的信息意识之涵义和功能作用作了较为深入的剖析。From a macroscopic point of view of global market competition deeply dissects the implication and function of information consciousness of enterpriser.

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随着社会经济的开放和进步,女企业家这一群体逐步壮大,越来越引起了人们的关注。With the opening and progress of the economic social , the group of women enterpriser is growing up , which attract more and more advertence of people.

企业内部控制的完善,有助于提高企业竞争力,推动市场与企业的良性发展。Perfecting internal control system is beneficial for enterpriser to enhance competition power and to impel healthy development of market and enterprise.

本文强调了企业家人力资源在企业核心能力和可持续成长能力生成中的重要作用和地位。This paper emphasizes the important role of enterpriser manpower played in the building of enterprise core competence and sustainable growth competence.