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他吧嗒着嘴狼吞虎咽地吃着。He ate noisily and greedily.

那口老钟的滴答声很响。The old clock ticked noisily.

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接着他大声擤鼻子。Then he blew his nose noisily.

我不会畏缩,也不惊叫。I have not winced nor cried noisily.

那辆无轨电车丁丁当当地开了过去。The trolley came by, dinging noisily.

孩子们闹哄哄地挤上了公共汽车。The children piled noisily into the bus.

老房子的门发出嘎吱嘎吱的响声。The door in the old house creaked noisily.

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只是------我习惯了整日吵闹你。Is only ------I am used to you all day noisily.

她正用吸管咕嘟咕嘟地喝牛奶。She was noisily sucking up milk through a straw.

他吃相像猪一样,贪嘴得很,动静还很大。He eats so greedily and noisily. He's like a pig.

我不喜欢你吃面条时的“嗤喽”声。I don't like the way you slurp noisily when you eat noodles.

科长和小李握手,小李闹个脸红。Section chief and Xiao Li shake hands, Xiao Li noisily blushes.

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沉重的铁锚和铁链被重重的抛在水中。The heavy iron anchor and chain tumbled noisily into the water.

这发动机起动时喀喀作响。The engine coughed and spluttered into life, ie started noisily.

这种情况可能让我们成了全世界最吵闹、最固执己见的国家。This could make us the most noisily opinionated nation on earth.

孩子们熙熙攘攘地冲下楼来,没有哪个表现得好。The children rushed noisily downstairs. None of them behaved nicely.

它扇动着大翅膀,发出吵闹声,奔到陆地上又冲进水里。It would rush over the land or water noisily flapping its great wings.

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班萨云游四方,闹出了无数笑话的故事。Ban Sa wanders the four directions, noisily left the innumerable jokes story.

我听见脚步声,叫喊声,一群追风筝的人正闹哄哄向这边跑来。I hear clop-clop, cry, a group of Kite Runner is running noisily to the side.

她听得见他在厨房里,乒乒乓乓地寻找晚餐剩下的食物。She could hear him in the kitchen noisily foraging about for dinner leftovers.