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我们肩并肩地坐着,然后去了休息室。We sat side by side, then went to the foyer.

让我们在珠宝戏院的休息室见面吧。Let's meet in the foyer of the Bijou Theater.

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许多仆役在偌大的门厅中快速地穿梭着。Dozens of servants scurried through the large foyer.

其宽敞的大厅是由闪闪发亮的意大利大理市铺成的。Its vast foyer is clad in shimmering Italian marble.

双橡园的入口玄关,豪华高雅。The entrance foyer at Twin Oaks is elegant and tasteful.

在门厅使用人工大理石进行贴面。Laying of the reconstituted stone surfacing in the foyer.

恢弘的拱形天花板耸立在门厅内。The enormous vaulted ceiling welcomes you into the foyer.

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七点左右我在音乐厅休息处同你见面。I'II meet you at the foyer of the Music Hall around seven.

主休息室与两个室外天井相连。Two outdoor courtyards can be accessed from the main foyer.

埃米尔听说,它的一大特色,是在大堂内有一个巨大的喷泉。It featured, Emil had heard, a massive fountain in the foyer.

安妮离开阿蒂,沿着走廊朝休息室走去。Anne left Artie and walked down the corridor towards the foyer.

海军的一个小型乐队在大休息厅演奏,我坐在正在弹钢琴的查利·科拉多军士长身旁,他已经为总统们演奏了40年了。A small combo from the marine band was playing in the grand foyer.

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以回收松木板材搭建的墙体将卫生间与外侧空间划分开来。Recycled cypress slat walls baffle foyer space from the rest rooms.

国王和王后的全身宫装画像高挂在门厅。Full-length court portraits of the king and queen dominated the foyer.

门厅旁边有两个客厅,这就是其中一个。The house has double parlors flanking the foyer and this is one of them.

大厅中一个引人注目的元素是现有的混凝土方格天花板。A striking element in the foyer is the existing concrete coffered ceiling.

如建筑的主入口可以结合边庭设计,入口门厅可以结合中庭设计等等。Architects can use it with the main entrance design and the foyer and so on.

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土黄色给这个乡村风格的空间带来温暖的气息。Burnt-orange paint injects warmth into this country home's foyer and stairwell.

坦尼娅只能留在举行生日派对的那个酒店的大堂里等着他。Tanya was left hanging around in the foyer of the hotel where the party was being held.

我常常希望能够在游泳之后能够去买热巧克力喝。I used to look forward to the hot chocolate that we used to buy in the foyer afterwards.