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我是一只小公鸡。I am a rooster.

听,公鸡在打鸣。Listen to the rooster.

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公鸡在黎明时打鸣儿。The rooster crows at dawn.

公鸡有红色的鸡冠。The rooster has a red comb.

公鸡打鸣时,我的一天初步了,健康。I hear the rooster and my day!

听,公鸡正在报晓。Listen, the rooster is crowing.

大公鸡想买一面镜子。The rooster needs to buy a mirror.

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这是从公鸡鸡冠提取出来的。They make it out of rooster combs.

属鸡的人观察力非常敏锐。Rooster is a very observant person.

本来鸡有四支脚的。The rooster had four legs originally.

她与混蛋的公鸡巢居。She is nesting with the wrong rooster.

铁公鸡在汉语中的意思是一毛不拔。An iron rooster in Chinese means miserly.

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立时鸡叫了第二遍。Immediately the rooster crowed the second time.

天亮了,我听到从某处传来雄鸡的报晓声。He gets up at the crow of the rooster every day.

每年授予一次金鸡奖。The Golden Rooster Award is given out once a year.

鲁斯特和皮特也出现在两边--三姐妹。Rooster and PETE appear from the sides. The Sisters.

一只雄鸡引吮长鸣,惊破了黎明时的苍穹。The long crow of rooster split the gray morning sky.

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安迪和卢斯特还先被送到监狱的医务室疗伤。Andy and Rooster MacBride went by way of the infirmary.

人幸运的时候公鸡都会生蛋。If you were born lucky, even your rooster will lay eggs.

公鸡追着我跑过谷仓的泥土地面。The rooster chased me across the dirt floor of the barn.