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看起来都是白色外,范说,从手机那霸。It looks all white outside, Sunagawa said by phone from Naha.

在她的那霸的经验,她已经迈出了第一步。With her NAHA experience, she's already taken the first step.

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今天我们去那霸的一家宠物店去看从日本本岛运来的伯恩山犬小狗。We went to Naha today to seeBernese Mountain puppy that came from mainland Japan.

菅义伟在那霸会议上传达了类似的消息给冲绳县政府的翁长雄志。Suga conveyed a similar message to Okinawa Gov. Takeshi Onaga in a meeting in Naha.

这座新建的基督教堂位于日本那霸市的一个高地上。This newly built church is perched on a plateau elevated above the rest of the City of Naha.

据日本共同社报道,日本冲绳县那霸市10日举行了传统的"那霸大绳拔河"活动。The Naha Giant Tug-of-War was held in Naha, Okinawa, Japan Sunday, Kyodo News Agency reported.

据报道,被释放的船员已从冲绳那霸市乘坐包机返回福州。The freed crew members are reported to have flown back on a chartered flight to Fuzhou via Naha in Okinawa.

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成为我的学生未必代表也会自动成为NAHA的会员,所以我将负责教导学生如何成为NAHA的会员。Students are not promised automatic membership with NAHA and are given instructions on how to become a member of NAHA.

冲绳县那霸地方检察厅以“执行公务时”为由,决定不起诉该美军基地工作人员。Okinawa Naha District Public Prosecutors Office to "official duties" as an excuse, decided not to prosecute the U. S. military base staff.

冲绳那霸市议会同时通过决议,向美国总统发函要求发表不当言论的官员辞职。Okinawa Naha City Council also passed a resolution to the U. S. President sent a letter to the officials requested the resignation of inappropriate remarks made.

我、我的学校或任何被许可的芳香疗法教师,都不会发表、张贴或广告任何与芳香疗法「执照」或NAHA「证书」有关的不实保证或声明。Neither I nor my school nor any approved aromatherapy instructors will create, post or advertise any false promises or statements in regards to an aromatherapy 'license' or NAHA 'license'.

我瞭解任何违反本协议的行为都会让我在NAHA学校上课的资格被取消,而且我的学校名字也会被移除,改放到不符合标准的学校那份名单中。I understand that any breach of this agreement will cause my NAHA School approval status to be null and void and my school listing will be removed and placed on a list of non-compliant schools.