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是党所面临的新的课题。It is a new lesson for the CCP.

怎能让一个美国的大使让中国的官员下不了台?Can't have a US Ambassador upstaging CCP officials.

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中共现在想依靠的恐怕就是这样的「六四」后一代吧。I'm afraid the CCP now puts its hope in this post-June 4 generation.

采用CCP系统实现沸腾炉自动控制,大大减少了升华硫和酸雾的生成。CCP system is adopted to realize the autocontrol of fluidized bed roaster.

CCP协议是车载电子系统比较通用的一类匹配标定协议。CCP is a widely-used calibration protocol for automotive electronic system.

在调整过程中,中苏两党之间发生了严重分歧。In the process of such adjustment, serious disputes emerged between CCP and CPSU.

1951年,TG刚取得中国大部分领土,刚为中国制定了一个宏伟计划。In the 1951, CCP just gained control of most of China and had big plans for China.

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有关占有权主张的预决已依据民事诉讼法第415.46条被送达。The Prejudgment Claim of Right to Possession was served in compliance with CCP 415.46.

结论利用CCP可精确、无创地测定人类脑血流自动调节下限。Conclusion The lower limit of cerebral autoregulation can be determined by CCP exactly.

BCP组心搏恢复有力平稳,对正性肌力药物需求减少。The recovery of heart beat were more powerful and stable in BCP group than in CCP group.

从意象上讲,汉诗强调抽象而英诗注重写实。On image, CCP emphasizes abstractness while English verse tries to depict the real world.

tg过去几十年来成功了洗劫了这个国家,这都拜全球化所赐。The CCP have successfully looted the nation for the past decades, thanks to globalisation.

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这种调整和变化,无疑极大地凸显出社区党建的地位和意义。The status and significance of the construction of the CCP is very obvious in this process.

认知语言学图形-背景理论为中国古典诗歌翻译提供了一条新的途径。The figure-ground theory of cognitive linguistics provides a new method for CCP translation.

我从未暗示中共政府对新加坡的繁荣有所帮助。I had never suggested that the CCP government had anything to do with Singapore's prosperity.

我们认为,CCP缓解期以肺肾气虚为主要发病机制。Invigorating the lung, nourishing the kidney and preventing asthma were the main ways to CCP.

厂长、党委书记王殿贵2000年被评为全国劳动模范。The Director and CCP Secretary, Wang Diangui, is elected as the National Labour Model in 2000.

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中共开始与苏共进行关于国际共运总路线的大论战。CCP commenced the disputation with CPSU on the general route of international communist movement.

中央在有关新农村建设的文件中明确提出要发挥农民的主体作用。The CCP asked to exert the principal role of farmers in her files about New-Country Construction.

中共也并非封杀信仰,反而是尊重宗教信仰,只不过提倡无神论。By banning on Falun Gong, CCP aims to respect religious belief even though it advocates antitheism.