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发信人是乔治先生。The addresser is Mr. George.

这一点应该引起写信人的注意。This should arouse the attention of the addresser.

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施喻者是隐喻构建的认知主体。The addresser is the cognitive subject of metaphor construction.

广告语是广告商用来吸引广大用户的一种手段。Advertising language is a means for the addresser to attract the addressee.

译者作为发言人与媒体记者之间的桥梁,发挥着举足轻重的作用。As a bridge linking the addresser and the media, the interpreter has a critical role to play.

便条的结尾无须使用结尾礼词,只须写上作者姓名即可。The conclusion of a note need not use the complimentary close, but the name of the addresser.

写信人用墨水手签的名字在打印的名字之上,打印的职务头衔紧随其后。The addresser should sign the letter by hand and in ink above the typed name which the typed post title follows immediately.

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据写信人描述,当时他祖父无意中听到丘吉尔和美国将军德怀特•艾森豪威尔讨论这起UFO事件。The addresser described that his grandfather heard this accident form a discussion between Churchill and US general Dwhite Eisenhower accidentally.

本文从预设的角度讨论了广告语,广告商和广大用户之间的联系。This paper intents to investigate the relationship between advertising language, advertising addresser and advertising addressee in terms of presupposition.

“的”用于已然动作时,有其必须遵循的语法规则,即这个已然动作是发话人与听话人共知的。When "de" is used in this condition, there are grammatical rules to follow exactly, that is, this action is known both by the addresser and by the addressee.

第十一条数据电文进入发件人控制之外的某个信息系统的时间,视为该数据电文的发送时间。Article 11 The time when any data message enters into a certain information system out of the control of the addresser shall be regarded as the time for sending the data message.

第十一条数据电文进入发件人控制之外的某个信息系统的时间,视为该数据电文的发送时间。Article 11 The time when a data message enters into a certain information system beyond the control of the addresser shall be deemed to be the time when the message is dispatched.

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第十二条发件人的主营业地为数据电文的发送地点,收件人的主营业地为数据电文的接收地点。Article 12 The main business place of an addresser shall be the place for sending data message, the main business place of the addressee shall be the place for receiving data message.

第十二条发件人的主营业地为数据电文的发送地点,收件人的主营业地为数据电文的接收地点。Article 12 The principal business place of an addresser shall be the place of dispatch of data messages, and the principal business place of a receiver shall be the place of receipt of data messages.