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研究了静态定向结晶过程中的双扩散对流现象。Double diffusive convection during static crystallization was studied.

大小对电粘性效应产生的通道流量损失比的变化规律。The effects of diffusive angle on flow rate loss are also investigated.

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热液流体呈双扩散对流循环。The hydrothermal fluid constitutes a double diffusive convection system.

对三种群非自治捕食链扩散系统的持续性生存进行了进一步的讨论。A three species predator prey chain periodic nonautonomous diffusive system is studied.

叶面积在封闭和通气条件下分别增加了5倍和3倍。The leaf area increased 5 and 3 fold in the closed and diffusive conditions, respectively.

发现涂层脱落、刀尖破损、扩散磨损为微径铣刀的主要磨损形式。The coat shed, tool tip breakage, diffusive wear have been observed as the main form of tool wear.

应采取有效措施预防倒功训练中颅脑伤尤其是弥漫性脑损伤的发生。Effective measures should be taken to prevent brain injury in training especially diffusive brain injury.

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目的探讨颅脑损伤后急性弥漫性脑肿胀的机制及有效的防治措施。Objective To discuss mechanism and effective managements of post-traumatic acute diffusive edema of brain.

结果显示质点跟踪法不仅耗散更低,而且守恒性也更好。The result shows that the Particle-tracing Method is not only less diffusive , but also more conservative.

光子扩散成像系统的作用可用一个脉冲响应函数来表征。The feature of the photon diffusive imaging system can thus be characterized with a pulse spreading function.

天然气既可以由水溶、油溶和扩散相向游离相转变,又可以由游离相向水溶、油溶和扩散相转变。Gas in water-dissolved phase, in oil-dissolved phase and in diffusive phase can change into gas in free phase.

方法31例移植病例均在术前及手术后1个月进行肺通气功能及肺弥散功能测定。Methods 31 patients were tested ventilatory function and diffusive function before and post 1 month transplantation.

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讨论了一种新型而且简单的门控光子计数法,用来测量高散射介质的光学参量。A new and simple gated photon counting system is described for the recovery of optical parameters in diffusive media.

研究了一类具有非局部时滞和空间扩散的传染病模型的整体解。This paper is concerned with the existence of entire solutions in a vector disease model with diffusive and nonlocal delay.

对热喷熔层超塑性扩散焊接后的冷、热疲劳性能及其影响因素进行了研究。In this paper , the thermo fatigue property and diffusive mechanism of the superplastic diffusion spray coating are studied.

从物质的传质机理角度分析认为,氯离子在混凝土中的传质过程为扩散过程。From the view of mass transfer mechanism, the process of chloride transmission in the concrete is considered to be diffusive.

我们简要讨论了对该能谱的可能解释,包括传统的宇宙线扩散模型以及潜在的邻近额外成分。Interpretations in terms of a conventional diffusive model as well as a potential local extra component are briefly discussed.

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本文研究了在初始密度差极小的情况下由双扩散效应引起的异重流的流动特性。A gravity current flow of double- diffusive effects has been investigated under the condition of very small density difference.

对流一扩散方程中扩散系数反演问题,可以归结为一个特殊的非线性算子方程求解问题。The problem of determining the diffusive coefficients can be formulated as one of solving a special nonlinear operator equation.

本文研究了稀土金属及其合金、硅铁合金在工业铁水中的扩散过程。The diffusive process of rare earth metals and alloys as well as of ferrosilicon alloys in commercial molten iron is investigated.