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福布斯,你真丢脸。Shame on you, Forbes.

他为Forbes.com撰写每周专栏。He writes a weekly column for

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福布斯传媒也满足了放款方规定的财务指标。Forbes met the stipulated financial targets.

早在1977年,福布斯杂志就报道过,“底特律的汽车巨头反击了”。“Detroit Fights Back, ” Forbes reported in 1977.

美国富比世甚至以「中国购买」来形容。Forbes and even the U. S. "China to buy" to describe.

到2001年,他们已经跻身福布斯财富榜。By 2001, they had made their way onto the Forbes rich list.

“现在福布斯富豪榜已经成了通缉犯名单,”他说。“Now the Forbes list has become the wanted list, ” he said.

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该调查由福布斯网站授权进行。In the survey conducted by E-Poll Market Research Co.

福布斯近日发布了2009模特吸金排行榜,巴西超模吉赛尔·邦辰仍然稳坐全世界最赚钱模特的宝座。Forbes released a list of the world's top-earning models in 2009.

根据福布斯消息,丁磊曾在2003年短暂的成为中国首富。Ding was briefly China's richest man in 2003, according to Forbes.

根据福布斯消息,丁磊曾在2003年短暂的成为中国首富。Ding was briefly China’s richest man in 2003, according to Forbes.

福布斯最近将其列为世界第43位最有影响力的女性。Forbes recently listed her as the world's 43rd most influential woman.

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福布斯家族仍然是福布斯传媒公司的控股方。The Forbes family remains the controlling shareholder of Forbes Media.

今天,加利福尼亚有95人跻身福布斯400名富人的行列,而纽约只有47人。Today, California boasts 95 Forbes 400 members, while New York has 47.

相比之下,福布斯另一份类似的排行榜显示,亿万富爸的数量要比亿万富妈多得多,全球共有555位亿万富爸。In contrast, there are 555 billionaire dads on a similar "Forbes" list.

福布斯杂志是为了那些希望赚大钱的人而设的。Forbes Magazine, for example, is for people who hope to make more money.

在福布斯重新统计并公布的富豪榜上,索罗斯并非上榜的惟一一位对冲基金巨头。And Soros is far from the lone hedgie on the Forbes recrunched rich list.

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但是福布斯已经列出了另一张清单这给我们的福利事业带来希望。But Forbes has come up with yet another list to give us hope for the wealthy.

二月底我收到一封电邮,发信人是位名叫金·福布斯的读者。In late February I received an e-mail message from a reader named Kim Forbes.

史蒂夫.福布斯作为2008年11月期的封面人物为资本主义辩护Steve Forbes appeared on the November 2008 cover with a defense of capitalism.