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与他人交往,你是在冒险,你会有无数牵连。To reach out is ---to risk involvement.

那是我的口头禅。That gets close to my involvement in life.

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让我们再看看学生的主动参与吧。Let's see active involvement with the students.

政府介入的另一个例子That's another example of government involvement.

该手术切缘是免费的肿瘤的参与。The surgical margin is free of tumor involvement.

家长较少参与儿童活动low parental involvement in children's activities

“我的参与是一次信仰的飞跃,”阿克斯罗德说。"my involvement was a leap of faith, "Axelrod said.

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玛尔甘尼斯在3.3里面有什么镜头吗?。Q. Will Mal'ganis have any involvement in patch 3.3?

我们希望这些参与能够产生最大的影响。We want our involvement to have the greatest impact.

这样做的最佳方式是通过用户参与来实现。The best ways to do that are though user involvement.

7位患者为右肾受累。Seven of the 8 presented with right renal involvement.

您会说,那就是您最大限度参与的工作。That, you say, should be the limit of your involvement.

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他被指控卷入2007年的一起诽谤案。He was accused of involvement with the libel case in 2007.

后发国家参与全球化进程的价值本位在于谋求自主发展。The value of such involvement is to seek self-development.

目的为提高对白塞病心脏病变的认识。Objective To know the heart involvement in Behet′s disease.

项目管理需要更大程度的干系。Project management requires a higher degree of involvement.

这也是为什么我们每一个人都需要参与其中。This is why we need the energy and involvement of everyone.

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超过一半的死亡事故涉及酒后驾驶。Almost half of the fatal accidents show alcohol involvement.

富士公司在作出承诺后,它的参与程度不断扩大。Once the commitment was made, Fujifilm’s involvement expanded.

当然东俊也许确实有罪而金泰与罪案毫无关联。Of course Do-jun could be guilty and Jin-tae had no involvement.