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我喜欢拥抱我的爱一个人和安葬的时刻。I enjoy cuddling with my love one and interment moments.

请限制配售不超过百分之三土葬空间。Please limit placements to no more than three per interment space.

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殡葬行业是一个特殊的服务行业。The profession of funeral and interment is a special service trade.

现在,殡葬方式有了很大改变。Nowadays, great changes have taken place in regard to funerals and interment.

除访问土葬用地外,请避免步行跨越土葬区。Please avoid walking across interment sections except to visit interment spaces.

他的弟弟在战争中被俘,关到某地一所不为人知的俘虏营里。His brother was taken prisoner during the war and was shut in a unknown interment camp.

名目繁杂令人眼花缭乱的殡葬收费项目让众多网友感慨“死不起”。All sorts of fees on funeral and interment cause the netizen to sign the "unaffordable grave".

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只葬玉器,不葬或基本不葬陶、石器就是其中最突出的特点之一。The interment of jade only, without or with few pottery and stone objects is the most salient one.

请避免将车停在前边的一处墓葬园,除非您是送葬。Please avoid parking in front of an open interment site unless you are part of a funeral procession.

由于工作性质的特殊性,从事这行业的职工职业声望低。Because of the particularity of its nature, the workers whose jobs are funeral and interment enjoy low prestige.

第三条国务院民政部门负责全国的殡葬管理工作。Article 3 The department of civil affairs under the State Council shall be responsible for funeral and interment control throughout the country.

一些和死亡、殡葬有关的汉字,反映了我国古代先民的殡葬习俗。Some Chinese characters which relate to death and funeral and interment represent the funeral and interment customs of the ancient people in our country.

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安葬以后,他便回到巴黎,继续学他的法律,从不追念他的父亲,仿佛世上从不曾有过那样一个人似的。After the interment he returned to Paris, and applied himself again to his law studies, with no more thought of his father than if the latter had never lived.

温特说,杰克逊的脑组织,抑或至少是部分,目前仍由调查人员保管,待神经病理学检查完成后即送还家属,以安葬逝者。Mr Winter said Jackson's brain, or at least part of it, was still being held by investigators and would be returned to the family for interment once neuropathology tests were completed.

县级以上地方人民政府民政部门负责本行政区域内的殡葬管理工作。The departments of civil affairs of local People's Governments at or above the county level shall be responsible for funeral and interment control in their respective administrative areas.

第一条为了加强殡葬管理,推进殡葬改革,促进社会主义精神文明建设,制定本条例。Article 1 These Regulations are formulated with a view to enhancing funeral and interment control, pushing funeral and interment reform and promoting the building of socialist spiritual civilization.