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克劳迪娅接受了桑德罗作为她的情人。Claudia accepts Sandro as her lover.

这是桑德罗和加布埃拉的第二个儿子。He's the second son of Sandro and Gabriela.

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我妈妈的名字是安娜和我父亲桑德罗。My mother's name is Anna and my father Sandro.

这真让人松了一口气,但是,桑德罗呢?A sigh of relief, but one moment, what about Sandro?

维纳斯的诞生这幅画同样也是桑德罗·波提切利的作品。The Birth of Venus is a painting by Sandro Botticelli.

向所有巴萨大家庭的成员致以诚挚的拥抱,尤其是罗塞尔。A sincere hug to all the Barca family and especially to Sandro Rosell.

在周二输给曼城之后,他这样说。"Sandro is emerging as a top player," he said after Tuesday night's defeat at City.

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在手术之后,我和桑德罗通了电话,了解了它的进展情况。After the operation I spoke on the telephone with Sandro to find out how it had went.

回到岸上,桑德罗在警署做了一份报告,紧接着跟着克劳迪娅上了火车。On shore, Sandro makes a report at police headquarters and follows Claudia onto a train.

热身之后,球队进行了攻防练习,桑德罗。内斯塔也在队中。After warm-ups, the team worked on an offensive-defensive drill, which included Sandro Nesta.

意气风发的巴塞主席桑德罗.罗塞尔称赞他为“世界上最佳球队的世界级最强球员。”Proud Barcelona president Sandro Rosell calls him “the best player in the world in the best team in the world.”

米兰宣布桑德罗。内斯塔今天上午在瓦雷塞大学进行的手术十分成功。C. Milan have announced that Sandro Nesta's morning operation at the University of Varese's clinic was successful.

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“热那亚还没有决定他的未来,但我不认为他们会签下他,”桑德罗。戈达告诉全体育报。"The clubs are yet to sort out his future, but I don't think Genoa will sign him, " Sandro Gedda said in Tuttosport.

巴塞罗那主席桑德罗·罗塞尔已经承认他们也许不能在这个夏天将塞斯科·法布雷加斯从阿森纳带到加泰罗尼亚。Barcelona president Sandro Rosell has admitted they may not be able to prise Cesc Fabregas away from Arsenal this summer.

国米偶像桑德罗。马左拉的父亲,都灵的队长瓦伦蒂诺是无可争议的他那个时代最杰出的运动员之一。The Granata captain and father of Inter idol Sandro Mazzola, Valentino was arguably one of the best players of his generation.

内斯塔继续在治疗,明天理疗师比尔-蒂尔森将对他进行一些特殊的治疗。Sandro Nesta is continuing with the therapies and tomorrow he will be reached by our physiotherapist Bill Tillson to start a more specific work.

俱乐部能够成功签下2001年的内斯塔以及以前的鲁易。科斯塔、因扎吉也是用了大体相同的做法。The club had been able to seal the arrivals of Sandro Nesta in 2001 and Manuel Rui Costa and Pippo Inzaghi the year before in much the same way.

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在今天我们正式完成桑德罗的转会后,雷德克纳普表示我们已经签下了巴西“最闪亮的希望之星”。Manager Harry Redknapp feels we have signed one of Brazil's 'brightest young prospects' after Sandro completed his transfer from Internacional today.

“在一月份和二月份的时候,我们曾谈论过热那亚和尤文图斯有可能互换克里西托和帕拉蒂诺的所有权的话题,”桑德罗。热达表示。"In January and February we spoke about a possible definitive exchange between Genoa and Juventus for Palladino and Criscito, " Sandro Gedda explained.

桑德罗·特劳蒂至今仍然保持着艺术家最敏锐的感知力和旺盛的创作力。Up to now, Sandro Trotti still maintains the most acute perception ability and vigorous creativity, which are the characteristics shared by all the artists.