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中国,带着支票簿来了!Enter China, chequebook in hand.

你支票本带来了没有?Have you got your chequebook with you?

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他扔给我了一本支票簿。我把总额写好并还给了他。He threw me a chequebook. I wrote the sum and passed it back.

这种支票本马上会被淘汰,将由新型的多功能卡片代替它。The chequebook will soon be a dinosaur, replaced by multi-purpose cards.

他意识到他把支票簿留在家里就惊惶了。To his consternation, he realized that he had left his chequebook at home.

这能从你的帐户上取钱,不需要存款本。It takes the money right out of your account, so you don't need your chequebook.

但是,他对阿布开出的支票做出了响应,加入了切尔西。Instead, he answered the call of Roman Abramovich's chequebook and joined Chelsea.

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去年,马先生宣称要“在外交上停战”,这意味着这场为获得承认而进行的支票大战告一段落。Last year, Mr Ma declared a “diplomatic truce”, meaning an end to the chequebook contest for recognition.

穆里尼奥表示,像他的前任拉涅利一样,他也不怕耗尽阿布拉莫维奇的支票。Mourinho has shown, like his predecessor Claudio Ranieri, that he's unafraid to make full use of Abramovich chequebook.

您的银行卡及支票本被盗,说明情况,并找到应当如何处理的方法。Your cashpoint card and chequebook have been stolen. Explain the situation and discover what can be done to resolve it.

温格是出名节俭的主,他觉得切尔西买贵太多了,同时他情愿切尔西的支票簿没有打开。Wenger has often been prudent with his funds and he feels Chelsea paid too much, but would rather have seen them keep the chequebook closed.

虽然有为其基金会单独准备的支票簿,他的“投资小组”依然能自由地将他的钱投资到盈利性或非盈利性项目上。Although there is a separate chequebook for the foundation, his "investment team" is free to put his money in either for-profit or non-profit projects.

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在两队周末比赛之前法布雷加斯放言,真正正确的方法是培养年轻有能力的球员,就像阿森纳现在所取得的成果一样。"At Arsenal, we don't just get out the chequebook to sign players, " said Fabregas. "We believe in our youngsters. "The manager had faith in Patrick Vieira ten years ago.