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她脸上绽出天使般的笑容。She cracked an angelic smile.

她脸上绽出天使般笑容。She cracked an angelic smile.

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上帝赐给拿破仑崭新的天使的肉体。God gives Napoleon some new angelic body.

讲演白听,人人象天使一样speeches were free everybody was angelic and

所有的小天使都身穿白色天使衣,手里拿着一支蜡烛。Every white-robed angelic child carried a candle.

雪落满了她的头发使她看起来像天使。She looked angelic with her hair covered in snow.

他们是天使或魔鬼。These are some kind of angelic beings or demonic beings.

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高挑皮肤白,天使脸孔,模特儿身材,服务肯定一流。Fair, Tall, Angelic Face, Model-like Figure, Power Service.

拥有天使般的面孔和悍妇般的身材没有可以抵抗她。With an angelic face and a vixen body nobody can resist her.

“语料库,非卡罗”是他自己的描述天使机构。Corpus, non caro" is his own description of the angelic body."

我是大天使麦克,代表所有天使界的存有来与你们沟通。I am Archangel Michael and I communicate for all the angelic realms.

她乌黑的如同真人般的卷发垂在天使般的面庞边。Her dark, human like hair, hung in loose curls around her almost angelic face.

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保罗这里说的是,某种统治着宇宙的撒旦或天使的力量吗?Is Paul talking here about sort of satanic angelic powers that ruled the cosmos?

天使般的女人,男人,孩子,和小天使读者提供了天上的灵感。Angelic women, men, children, and cherubs provide readers with heavenly inspiration.

这是天使生命,在你们的灵魂家族他们的头脑正创造麦田圈?Is this angelic being, whose mind is creating the crop circles, in your soul family?

所以天使军团会介入人类历史,解决所有问题。And so angelic armies will break into history and bring about the solution to the problem.

其妻子不仅知书达理而且勤劳贤惠,所以乐羊子对她非常尊敬。His wife was very angelic and virtuous, who was loved and respected dearly by the husband.

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在上师及高灵的引导和带领之下,你们接触到了神。As you are guided and led by the ascended masters and angelic beings you are touched by God.

碰到她的时候,泰勒出于人生的最低谷,他觉得是上帝让这个天使般的女孩降临到自己的身边的。When she met Taylor for the lowest life, he felt God let this angelic girl come to his side.

有一位女演员14年前就已出名,但直至今日她仍如天使般美艳动人。There is an actress who made her debut 14 years ago, but always looks fresh-faced and angelic.