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嘴唇发干。Dry mouth.

张开你的嘴。Open your mouth.

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擦擦你的小嘴巴。Wipe your mouth.

我感到我口干舌燥。My mouth was dry.

我的嘴都干了。My mouth felt dry.

指向她的嘴。Ponit to her mouth.

黑色班驳的嘴。Black mottled mouth.

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它的嘴巴淌口水。His mouth slobbered.

他的嘴张开。His mouth stretched.

她擦了一把嘴巴。She wipes her mouth.

伊奥迦南,我要吻你的嘴唇。I will kiss thy mouth.

还是樱桃小嘴呢。Or cherry small mouth.

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她有一张樱桃小嘴。She has a small mouth.

不要用吸管吸吮。Never pipette by mouth.

口感圆润滑顺。Round and smooth mouth.

摸一摸你的嘴巴。Alice, touch your mouth.

你们这儿有漱口水吗?Do you have mouth rinse?

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你是用这张嘴食饭的吗?。you eat with that mouth?

她的嘴微微一撇。Her mouth quirked gently.

我给她画了一张大嘴。I gave her a giant mouth.