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她用闸架扣住奶牛头部以便挤奶。She bailed a cow up for milking.

这头母牛出奶不太多。This cow isn't milking very well.

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这季节牛产奶甚佳。Cows are milking well this season.

那农夫还未挤完奶。The farmer hasn't finished milking.

奶牛一会儿就赶回来等待挤奶。The cows will be in for milking soon.

这一季乳牛出奶很旺。The cows are milking well this season.

农夫挤完牛奶以后,就把母牛放出去了。The farmer let out the cows after milking.

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他挤牛奶,然后清洗挤牛奶的小屋。He milks the cows and cleans the milking shed.

你把罐儿放在膝上挤着牛奶。With the vessel on your lap you were milking the cow.

这对该类挤奶机的进一步深入研究具有重要作用。It is important for studying this kind of milking machine.

科学家发明了一种新挤奶器。The scientist invented a new contrivance for milking cows.

如果你养了奶牛,你必须早起挤奶。If you have cow you have to get up early to do the milking.

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使用亨利挤奶器的平均挤奶时间为10分钟。The average milking time with the Henry Milker is 10 minutes.

他在搞非法交易不断榨取公司的利润。His illegal deal is steadily milking the profit from the business.

现在麦克亨利的挤奶器平均挤奶时间为10分钟。The average milking time with the Henry milker Milker is 10 minutes.

奶头受伤也会引发乳腺炎,所以在挤奶期间要小心。Teat injuries can also cause mastitis , so be careful during milking.

该控制器可以安装在厅式或管道式挤奶机上。This controller could clean milking machines by supervising computer.

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他是个十足的吝啬鬼,想从他手里借钱如同叫铁公鸡下蛋一样根本没有可能。He is such a miser. Borrowing money from his is like milking the bull.

他若想那样解决问题,无异刻舟求剑。He would be milking a bull if he tried to settle the problem that way.

水稻灌浆过程是子实吸收养分和水分的过程。Rice milking stage is a process in that seeds absorb nutrient and water.