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在欠发达国家里,几乎没有无神论者。In underdeveloped countries, there are virtually no atheists.

在一些不发澾的国家,伐木业十分重嘦。Lumbering is very momentous in some underdeveloped countries.

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在一些不发达的国度,伐木业十分重要。lumbering is very important in some underdeveloped countries.

在一些不旺盛的国家,伐木业十分重要。Lumbering is very importgoodt in some underdeveloped countries.

在一些不隆盛的国度,伐木业十分重要。Lumbering is very importould like in some underdeveloped countries.

这项工程将覆盖中国的农村和不发达地区。The project will encompass rural and underdeveloped areas in China.

但是,中国金融系统的封闭性也导致它不够发达。But China's insular financial system has also kept it underdeveloped.

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如果患有先天性的视神经发育不良的问题是很少有可用的治疗方式的。With an underdeveloped optic nerve, there are few treatments available.

我们的政治领导人将非洲看作是一潭死水,将非洲国家看作是不发达的。Our politicians see Africa as a backwater, its countries as underdeveloped.

建设社会主义新农村,对于欠发达地区言任重而道远。For an underdeveloped area, the new socialist country construction is a long way.

还有一些状况,是逻辑不发达的状况,但是他们会有退隐当僧侣的倾向。The others were underdeveloped in logic, but these have a tendency to be its monks.

大别山地区旅游资源丰富,但至今经济仍欠发达。The tourist resources of Dabie Mountain is rich, but the economy is underdeveloped.

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在那些基础建设不发达的贫穷国家,这尤其重要。This is especially important in poorer countries with underdeveloped infrastructure.

中国对不发达国家实行的援助是不附加任何条件的。We have provided assistance with no strings attached to the underdeveloped countries.

那些发展专家隐含的讯息就是不发达国家终究是扶不起的。The implicit message of the development experts is that the underdeveloped cannot emerge.

在不发达国家所有干这行的女性被认为是不合规矩的。In the underdeveloped countries all-inclusive searching of females in considered unethical.

这个社会再落后的地方再偏僻的地方都不可能存在这种情况!This kind of thing cannot occur even in the most underdeveloped society or uncultured place!

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这个笑话是讲述刚果的精英如何发展他们的国家的。This one is about how Congo's elite has underdeveloped this vast, poor, mineral-rich country

除了沿海的大城市,其他地区的传统的零售业是破碎且不发达的。Except in big cities near the coast, conventional retailing is fragmented and underdeveloped.

因此,必须加强经济欠发达地区普通中学校长队伍建设研究。Therefore, we should research into the building of schoolmasters for the underdeveloped areas.