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阿拉贡表示,这张专辑里的歌曲很符合她的年纪──没有爱情歌曲。Ms. Aragon said the songs will reflect her age ─ no love songs.

亨利八世欲与阿拉贡的凯瑟琳离婚,但是教皇拒绝了。Henry VIII wanted to divorce Catherine of Aragon but the Pope refused.

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他一继位,便于他哥哥的遗孀凯瑟琳.阿拉贡结了婚。One of his first acts as king was to marry his brother's widow, Catherine of Aragon.

很快,圭亚布就带着阿拉贡登上了飞往马尼拉的飞机,去跟那边的唱片公司会面。Soon after, she had Ms. Aragon on a flight to Manila to meet with record companies there.

文艺复兴时期,卡斯提尔和阿拉贡统一为卡斯提尔王国。Castile and Aragon were unified in the Renaissance, with the new state dominated by Castile.

但很快,女神卡卡本人看到了这段视频并大力转发,小阿拉贡从此声名鹊起。But the video quickly caught the attention of Lady Gaga herself and skyrocketed Ms. Aragon to fame.

同意ls,我快速地查找了一下,结果找到了40部以上的关于卡斯蒂利亚或亚拉贡地区的记录。Agree Star of Genoa, in a quick research i've found at least 40 major Chronicles of Castile or Aragon.

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有一本谴责他与第一任妻子——阿拉贡的凯瑟琳——离婚的小册子把亨利激怒了。He was infuriated by a pamphlet which denounced his moves to divorce his first wife, Catherine of Aragon.

由于这件事情,为了不失去她的王国,她被迫把自己托付给了阿拉贡的国王。Because of this, so as not to lose herkingdom, she was forced to throw herself into the lap of the King of Aragon.

而CCOO工会称,工业部和阿拉贡地方政府都非常欢迎Magna的提案.Magna's proposal was well received by the industry ministry and the Aragon regional government, the CCOO union said.

她的音乐天赋大概在三、四岁时开始展露,当时她经常看爸爸唱卡拉OK。Ms. Aragon discovered an affinity for music when she was three or four, when she used to watch her dad singing karaoke.

随后他撤销了亨利八世与阿拉贡的凯瑟琳以及安妮·博林的婚姻,并使它和克利夫斯的安妮离婚。While in the post, he annuls Henry VIII's marriages to Catherine of Aragon and Anne Boleyn and divorces him from Anne of Cleves.

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埃斯皮诺萨笨拙地漏掉了阿尔特塔本无威胁的角球,这次终于是埃弗顿球员率先作出反应,雅盖尔卡抢射破门。Rorys Aragón Espinoza fumbled an inoffensive Arteta corner and for once an Evertonian reacted quickest, Jagielka poking the ball over the line.

达拉斯南卫理公会大学的卡特里娜·班克斯·怀特里博士和凯拉·克拉梅尔相信,亨利的前两任妻子阿拉贡的凯瑟琳和安妮·博林正属于以上所述的情况。Dr Catrina Banks Whitley and Kyra Kramer, of the Southern Methodist University, Dallas, believe that Henry’s first two wives Catherine of Aragon and Anne Boleyn suffered this fate.

改革以争取离婚开始,以脱离教皇而告终,亨利八世想与阿拉贡的公主凯瑟琳离婚,但教皇克莱蒙拒绝取消凯瑟琳和亨利八世之间的婚姻。The reform began as a struggle for a divorce and end in freedom from the Papacy. Henry Ⅷ wanted to divorce Catherine of Aragon. But Pope Clement Ⅲ refused to annul his marriage to Catherine.

而且,阿拉贡在上个月被邀请参加Gaga的“怪物舞会”巡回演唱会,两人还一同登台演唱,阿拉贡激动的痛哭更是制造了更多的新闻。What’s more, Aragon was invited to join Gaga on her “Monster Ball” tour last month. She performed a duet with Gaga during the concert, and then made more headlines by making the emotional star cry.