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杜尚别是首都和最大城市。Dushanbe is the capital and the largest city.

所有病例报告均来自该国的西南部地区,包括首都杜尚别市。All cases are reported from the south-west of the country, including the capital city Dushanbe.

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中国领导人是在结束对韩国的国事访问后从首尔出发于周二抵达杜尚别市。The Chinese leader arrived in Dushanbe on Tuesday from Seoul after a state visit to South Korea.

杜尚别市区的最高温度由4日的28摄氏度骤降至5日的14摄氏度。Dushanbe city's four-day maximum temperature dropped to 28 degrees Celsius to 14 degrees Celsius 5.

2010年11月25日,国务院总理温家宝在杜尚别会见吉尔吉斯斯坦过渡时期总统奥通巴耶娃。On November 25, 2010, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao met with Kyrgyz President Roza Otunbayeva in Dushanbe.

2010年11月25日,国务院总理温家宝在杜尚别与塔吉克斯坦总理阿基洛夫举行会谈。On November 25, 2010, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao held talks with his Tajik counterpart Akil Akilov in Dushanbe.

双方领导人在杜尚别市是参加将于今天开幕的上海合作组织峰会。The two leaders are in Dushanbe to attend the summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, which opens today.

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此外,一名塔吉克斯坦儿童在麻痹发作不久后从杜尚别到塔什干就医。In addition, a child from Tajikistan travelled from Dushanbe to Tashkent for medical treatment shortly after onset of paralysis.

新华社报道员在杜尚别街上看到,因沙尘暴导致能见度下降,汽车均以慢速行驶。Xinhua News Agency reporters in Dushanbe on the street to see, leading to reduced visibility due to dust storms, are slow moving car.

梅德韦杰夫和拉赫蒙当天在杜尚别参加塔吉克斯坦、俄罗斯、巴基斯坦和阿富汗四国总统会晤。Dmitry Medvedev in Dushanbe to participate in the day, and Rakhmonov of Tajikistan, Russia, Pakistan and Afghanistan to meet President four countries.

“需要相当多的外国援助否则将发生大规模的饥荒”,马修卡亨——“联合国”人道主义援助协调员从首都杜尚别发表讲话。"Substantial foreign aid is needed or else there will be a large-scale famine, " said Matthew Kahane, the UN's humanitarian aid coordinator, speaking from the capital, Dushanbe.