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闪电战不再有精度惩罚。Axis Blitzkrieg no longer gives accuracy penalty.

中比利时在1940年再次被德国入侵。Belgium was again invaded by Germany in 1940 during the blitzkrieg offensive.

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他当选首相时正值闪电战降临英国的前哨。He came to power as Prime Minister just as the Blitzkrieg descended upon Britain's outposts.

大家知道,装甲集团军是闪电战战术中最为重要的部分。As we know, the Panzer Army Group is one of the most significant divisions in the Blitzkrieg.

德国在第二次世界大战期间大部分伟大的军事成就都离不开闪电战策略的功劳。The German military in World War 2 achieved most of its great victories with the Blitzkrieg tactic.

如果敌人拥有空中优势,那闪电战就不可能实行了。就如隆美尔和其他德国指挥官在战争后期所面对的局面。If the enemy has it, Blitzkrieg becomes impossible, as Rommel and other German commanders found out later during the war.

然而当她发现他依然与他以前的女友通信时,他们就以类似的闪击战的方式离婚了。But when she discovered he was still sending text messages to his ex-girlfriend, they divorced in a similar blitzkrieg fashion.

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2月15号,在心平气和地利用国家资源进行凶猛的拉票攻势之后,总统大人终于得到了他想要的答案。On February 15th, after a blitzkrieg campaign involving the brazen use of state resources, the president finally got the answer he wanted.

尽管取得最初胜利,然而,这场闪电战不会带来一次迅速的胜利,经过夏季后唯一增强了战斗力。Despite its initial success, however, this Blitzkrieg would not deliver a quick victory and as summer months passed the fighting only intensified.

当德国闪电战从欧洲开始时,巴顿最后使国会确信美国需要一种更强有力的装甲力量。When the German Blitzkrieg began on Europe, Patton finally convinced Congress that the United States needed a more powerful armored striking force.

是的,美国并没有策动轴心国发动的世界战争,希特勒在西欧发动了闪电战,日本在中国发动了残忍的战争。Yes America did not initiate the world war spurred on by the Axis powers, Hitler's blitzkrieg attacks in West Europe, Japan's ruthless war in China,.

“堡垒”计划将会重演1941-42年闪电战的经典胜利,苏军集团军将会被突击的装甲部队轻松包围。Operation Citadel was to be a repeat of the classic Blitzkrieg victories of 1941-42, when huge Soviet armies had been encircled with ease by marauding panzer forces.

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德国人善于在相对较小的范围,较短的时间和良好的天气条件下发动闪电战,如入侵波兰,法国,南斯拉夫和希腊。A relatively short-range and short-time Blitzkrieg in good weather, as the invasions of Poland, France, Yugoslavia and Greece were, is one thing, and the Germans excelled there.

闪电战是现代战争在坦克,飞机和无线电时代的基础,因为它能够使这些武器在速度和火力上的优势得到最大的发挥。Blitzkrieg is the basis of modern warfare in the age of the tank, aircraft, and radio, simply because it makes the best military use of their natural advantages in speed and firepower.

在闪电战中他们的常见任务是抢占重要桥梁,以防止敌人破坏他们,并使坦克能够不受拖延的快速抵达并通过桥梁。One of their common tasks in Blitzkrieg was capturing key bridges, in order to prevent the enemy from destroying them, and allow the advancing tanks to reach them and rapidly cross without delay.

政府为了维持与纳粹的战争,开始定量配给所有的物品,而香蕉就是其中的一种,因为似乎在没有香蕉的情况下你是没办法停止一场闪电突袭的。The government started rationing all sorts of goods, so they could be used to fight the Nazis instead. Bananas were among these items, because apparently you can't stop a blitzkrieg without bananas.