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什么是城市形态?What is Urban Form?

这是个非常城市化的校园。It's a very urban campus.

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我们的城市更新日记。Tagen's urban renewal diary.

新余精神的实质是城市精神。Its essence is the urban spirit.

这就是长汀的老城区。This is the old urban Changting.

一○都市设计或景观计画。Urban design or landscape plans.

我辅修的是都市农业。I'm minoring in urban agriculture.

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这儿是一个美丽的城市校园。It's a beautiful urban campus, so.

以人为本的文明城区。People-oriented urban civilization.

城市形态有什么作用?What Does Urban Form Contribute to?

市区建成区面积为86.5平方公里。Built-up Urban Area covers 86.5 sq. km.

合浦在公元前111年成为当时的城市中心。Hepu became an urban center in 111 B.C.

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我觉得它是一个很城市化的渔业社区。I guess a very urban fishing community.

美丽的公园点缀着城市的景观。The lovely park graced the urban scene.

这就是城市家园的生活。This is what urban homesteading can do.

城市群政策平台规划。Policy platform of urban agglomerations.

城乡差异依然存在。Urban and rural differences still exist.

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农村和城市地区的平等待遇。Equal treatment of rural and urban areas.

让我们从城市布局这一简单问题开始讲起。Begin the simple question of urban layout.

绅士化是城市更新的一种方式。Gentrification is a form of urban renewal.