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但是忽视就相当于灭绝。But inattention equals extinction.

他在演说前先警告听众不可不用心听。He preceded his speech with a warning against inattention.

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他英年早逝的原因是他不注意自己的健康。The reason why he died young was his inattention to health.

最终由于不注意市场情况而倒闭。But later they fall victim to inattention to market conditions.

大家一定会说什么酒后驾驶啊、注意力不集中的时候等。What we will say that drink-driving, ah, when such inattention.

这些错误常常是由不注意和粗心造成的。These mistakes are often the result of inattention and carelessness.

新闻媒体对这一转变的忽视使损失的严重程度更加复杂。Inattention to this shift by the news media compounds the severity of the loss.

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有注意力缺陷或两者皆有的类型更容易患抑郁。Children with inattention or combined subtype were at greater risk for depression.

C&D的后勤部门要帮他处理信件和个人的账单。Mail and personal bills were handled by C&D's back office because of his inattention.

这种病症的主要症状就是过度活跃,易冲动以及注意力不集中。The primary symptoms of the condition are hyperactivity, impulsivity and inattention.

人们常常,因注意力不集中而犯错That is that you--the errors that people naturally make are often errors of inattention.

但是三分之二的儿童长大些还是表现出高度的注意力不集中。But about two-thirds of children continue to show high levels of inattention as teenagers.

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那个小狗头人奴隶并没有挡住她的去路,但它的疏忽却显而易见缺乏对祭司的尊重。The little slave was not exactly blocking her path, but its inattention showed a lack of respect.

在美国得体的路遇行为是保持注意与不注意间的平衡。Proper street behaviors in the United States requires a nice balance of attention and inattention.

所以,再次说一遍,我们可以把邮件接收声,手机铃声,电视机声音,广播声都当作是背景噪音,这样我们可以仅仅去适应和接受James所提出的“可习得的注意力”。Then again, perhaps we will simply adjust and come to accept what James called “acquired inattention.”

吉诺曼老爹并非故意这样,但不注意别人的姓名是他的一种贵族作风。Father Gillenormand did not do it intentionally, but inattention to proper names was an aristocratic habit of his.

正是始终着依赖受害者的单纯与不留心,网络犯罪才能骗过他们并危及其数据。Cybercriminals continue to rely on their victims' naivety and inattention in order to trick them into imperiling their data.

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其症状通常出现于孩童时期早期,主要的特徵是注意力不集中、过动和冲动。Its symptoms typically show up in early childhood. The main characteristics are inattention , hyperactivity and impulsivity.

然而我们不知道,她们所承受的最大的痛苦,有时候既非来自政治,亦非来自宗教,而仅仅来自对产妇医保的普遍漠视。But some of the greatest suffering of women here isn’t political or religious. It comes simply from the inattention to maternal health care.

“那些过失是由于人们对安全问题普遍疏忽造成的,”2002年的韦氏报告中提到,“这仅是重视不足的问题。”"Those deficiencies flow from a pervasive inattention to security, " said the Webster report back in 2002, "which has been at best a low priority.