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那是一个过于简单化的观点。That is far too simplistic a view.

简单化和试验性的派森ETL包。Simplistic and experimental python ETL package.

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让我们在一个简化的模型中研究人的行为。Let us look at behavior in a simplistic fashion.

还有他的理念,坚忍明晰,深不可测。Yet his ideas, though clear, were never simplistic.

撇弃简单的辩论会---我们是爱国志士还是顽固不化者?Beyond the simplistic debate — are we patriots or bigots?

我们对爬虫类动物的认识太过简单化了。"We have this very simplistic view of reptiles," said Shine.

我们对爬虫类动物的认识太过简单化了。"We have this very simplistic view of reptiles, " said Shine.

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我喜欢把情绪想成是3个层次组成的简单结构。I like to think of emotions in a simplistic format of 3 levels.

然后,它使用一种非常简单的算法对该符号进行压缩。It then compresses the symbol using a very simplistic algorithm.

但关键事实已在这场过分简单化的红肉辩论中遗失了。But crucial facts have been lost in this simplistic red-hazed debate.

事实上,对于历史的感知很大程度上看起来是政治化和简单化的。In fact, its sense of history seems highly politicized and simplistic.

然而这么一种简单化的“信用为魔鬼”的观点掩盖了一种更为微妙的景况。Yet a simplistic credit-as-bogey outlook masks a more nuanced picture.

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一个最简单的原理图,荒诞由欲望和电线提高。A most simplistic schematic, grotesquely heightened by desires and wires.

不过,同时我也力图避免过分简单化。At the same time, however, I have tried to avoid lapsing into the simplistic.

我也的确掩饰了一些内容,但这确实最简单的密码。And yes, I'm glossing over some stuff, but this is the simplistic explanation.

加利多说不能简单地认为肥胖是被家长疏忽的结果。Garrido says it's also too simplistic to say that obesity is a sign of neglect.

可以利用简单的低成本基础设施来满足这些需求。A simplistic low-cost infrastructure can be utilized to meet these requirements.

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今天,和印有枪支权力倡导者的简单口号相比,事情变得更复杂。Today, the story is more complex than the simplistic slogans of gun-rights advocates.

研究人员发现,真足蛇有着极为简单的骨盆和笔直、细长的股骨。Eupodophis had a simplistic pelvis and straight, slender femurs, the researchers found.

与Yammer和其他一些简单的服务平台相比,它的功能又要全面的多。It's also much more fully-featured than Yammer or some of the more simplistic services.