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温菲尔德·斯科特将军被派去攻占墨西哥城。General Winfield Scott was sent to capture Mexico City.

林肯要求他在温菲尔德.斯科特将军退休后担任美国陆军最高指挥官。Lincoln asked him to be head of the army when General Winfield Scott retired.

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美国陆军最高司令官温菲尔德.斯科特将军邀请李上校到华盛顿。The army's top commander, General Winfield Scott, had called Lee to Washington.

我敢肯定,安托万温菲尔德不会介意在他身边的一位同行像迪安基洛厅临鲍勒。I'm sure Antoine Winfield won't mind having DeAngelo Hall by his side in Minnesota.

威德还考虑了温菲尔德.斯科特将军,他确保了美国与加拿大边境的安宁。Weed also thought of General Winfield Scott, who had kept the border with Canada quiet.

温菲尔德教授说,这意味着制造这些机器人的专家自己需要表现出道德行为来代替。Prof Winfield says that means roboticists building them need to behave ethically instead.

所有,辉格党的领导们认为温菲尔德·斯科特是党内的不二人选。So, party leaders thought that if any Whig could be elected president, it was Winfield Scott.

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在美西战争期间该城于847年被温菲尔德·斯科特将军率领的美国军队攻陷。Winfield Scott captured the city in 847 during the Spanish-American War. Population, 284,822.

温菲尔德.斯科特将军占领了韦拉克鲁斯港,并准备进攻墨西哥城。General Winfield Scott had captured the port of Vera Cruz and was ready to attack Mexico City.

“目前该代码仅是一组想法而已。这是不可争议的事实呀!”温菲尔德教授说。"At present this code is simply a set of ideas. It's out for debate and discussion," says Prof Winfield.

紧急救援人员希望它可以阻挡住洪水,洪水由于温菲尔德城镇南部的堤坝出现裂缝而涌入城镇。Emergency workers are hoping it will block floodwaters from a broken levee south of the town of Winfield.

指挥北方军的老将军温菲尔德.斯科特不想马上将他的军队投入到战斗中。The old general who commanded the Union forces, Winfield Scott, did not want to rush his men into battle.

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1月18日,在美国加利福尼亚州拉古纳海滩,当丽莎·兹普尔演奏钢琴时,沃尔·特温菲尔德和特里纳·米勒驻足倾听。Walt Winfield and Trina Miller stop to listen as Lisa Zieper plays a piano in Laguna Beach, Calif. , on Jan. 18.

在温菲尔德·斯科特做大将军的30年里,温菲尔德·斯科特成为了有名的国家军事领袖之一。In his thirty years as a general, Winfield Scott had become one of the best-known military leaders in the country.

民主党将内战英雄——宾夕法尼亚州的温菲尔德•斯科特•汉考克将军推选为总统候选人。The Democratic Party chose for its presidential candidate, a hero of the Civil War- General Winfield Scott Hancock of Pennsylvania.

范布伦总统派遣温菲尔德.斯科特将军率军进入缅因州,斯科特能够让缅因州州长将他的武装力量撤出这一有争议的地区,他还保证加拿大的军队不会进入这一地区。President Van Buren sent General Winfield Scott to Maine. Scott was able to get the governor to withdraw his forces from the disputed area.

1866年克斯特被调往堪萨斯,参加温菲尔德·斯考特·汉考克将军征调用于震慑怀有敌意的大平原印第安人的美军远征队。In 1866 Custer was ordered to Kansas to take part in General Winfield S. Hancock's expedition designed to awe hostile Plains Indians with the military strength of the U.

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1866年克斯特被调往堪萨斯,参加温菲尔德·斯考特·汉考克将军征调用于震慑怀有敌意的大平原印第安人的美军远征队。In 1866 Custer was ordered to Kansas to take part in General Winfield S. Hancock's expedition designed to awe hostile Plains Indians with the military strength of the U.S. Army.

皮尔斯的一位朋友,美国著名作家纳撒尼尔.霍桑在总统大选中给予他很大的帮助。He then won a big victory in the general election over the candidate of the Whig Party, General Winfield Scott. One of Pierce's friends, the writer Nathaniel Hawthorne, helped him with his campaign.