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他上的是小丑大学。He went to the university of buffoonery.

语言上的插科打诨、揶揄嘲笑也有很强的喜剧效果。The buffoonery and derision of Language also have very strong comedy result.

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代替的,让我们从以下的事实开始,八卦名嘴总是存在。Begin, instead, with the following fact, that the buffoonery is already present.

“看我”有各种不同的形式,从插科打诨到追求芳名不胜枚举。It can take innumerable forms, from buffoonery to the pursuit of posthumous fame.

本文从词源、词义的角度诠释了“滑稽”概念。This article gives an annotation to the concept of "buffoonery" in terms of etymology and semantics.

现在霍姆斯人为他们的名誉插科打诨,制作恶搞视频来嘲笑制裁。Now Homsis are playing on their reputation for buffoonery to make spoof videos ridiculing the crackdown.

“看我的”是人类内心最基本的欲望之一,它可以有无数表现形式,从插科打挥到追求死后的名声。Look at me" is one of the most fundamental desires of the human heart. It can take innumerable forms, from buffoonery to the pursuit of posthumous fame."

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如果特朗普的危害仅限于插科打诨所带导致的难堪倒还算好了。在大选之前,在选举人团投票之前,川普就已经对美国造成了不可估量的破坏。If joy Trump's damage could be limited to embarrassment about buffoonery. Already before the electoral college has even voted Trump has immeasurably damaged the USA.

源于中国戏剧滑稽诙谐的传统,源于人们乐观自信心态的科诨旨在以艺术之“轻”消解生活之“重”。Originating from the Chinese funny tradition, from the Chinese optimistic mind, the aim of buffoonery is to make use of the art lightness to lighten the life heaviness.

源于中国戏剧滑稽诙谐的传统,源于人们乐观自信的心态的科诨旨在以艺术之“轻”消解生活之“重”。Originating from the Chinese funny tradition, from the Chinese optimistic mind, the aim of buffoonery is to make use of the art lightness to lighten the life heaviness.