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食道癌是什么症状呢?。What symptom is esophagus cancer?

食道癌真的治不好吗?。Is esophagus cancer treated really?

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食道癌到底可以治好不?Can esophagus cancer cure after all not?

食道脂肪瘤是罕见的良性肿瘤。Lipomas of the esophagus are rare benign tumors.

增大的淋巴结可能会挤压食管引起吞咽困难。Enlarging nodes may compress the esophagus causing dysphagia.

食管上段有明显的骨骼肌。The upper third of the esophagus is marked by skeletal muscle.

南门村424号杨桂云,男,50岁左右,食道癌。South Gate Village, 424 Yanggui Yun, M, 50-year-old, esophagus.

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食管本体的蠕动受迷走神经支配。Peristalsis in the body of the esophagus is under vagal control.

测压评价食管贲门失弛缓症病人,在1。Manometric evaluation of the esophagus in a patient with achalasia.

它还可以用来评估食管、胃手术后的情况。It can be used to evaluate the esophagus or stomach after major surgery.

食管癌和贲门癌的外科治疗。Prognostic factors associated with resectable carcinoma of the esophagus.

食道增宽可能是裂孔疝的一个间接征象。Widening cavity of the esophagus may be indirect sign of the hiatal hernia.

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血液的吸入是单向的,吸入后不会再由食管吐出来。The inhalation of blood is one-way, not after inhaling out to the esophagus.

食管支架置入术是解决患者吞咽困难的一种有效方法。The stent placement in esophagus is an effective method to resolve dysphagia.

食管胃采取黏膜层和浆肌层分层吻合。Adopt delamination anastomosis for mucosa layer and muscle layer in esophagus.

照顾食道癌中期患者应该注意哪些事项?。Take care of patient of esophagus cancer metaphase what to item should notice?

此处有一肌肉环即贲门括约肌围绕着食道。A ring of muscle, the cardiac sphincter, surrounds the esophagus at this point.

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食料经食道进入一个暂时的贮存器官,即嗉囊。Feed passes through the esophagus and into a temporary storage organ, the crop.

由于这种分布结构特点,重力会促使食物沿着低处的食管下落。In this configuration, gravity tends to push food down toward the lower esophagus.

低分化腺癌及腺癌发生比例较高。The poor differentiated adenocarcinoma and adenocarcinoma of esophagus often find.