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你是一个新的浮子患者?Are you a new floater sufferer?

我把漂浮者加入在大的家伙上的小路。I added the floater in the lane over the big guys.

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因此是隆多的单脚抛投使他撞到了沙克。So Rondo's one-foot floater carried him into Shaq.

我的妻子一个月前也得了这种病现在已经好了。My wife got a big floater about a month ago, and now it's gone.

因为球较低的漂浮要想打高压是很困难的。It can be extremely difficult to hit an overhead on a low floater.

待粥煮成,确定浮子已下沉,打开煲盖,再按任何。When Floater sinks down, open lid. Add fi sh balls and press any button to boil.

对影响环氧发泡浮子性能的因素进行了分析。The factors that affect the properties of foam floater were discussed in details.

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如果浮子出现直接在您的生产线的视野,尝试移动您的眼睛向上和向下。If a floater appears directly in your line of vision, try moving your eye up and down.

目前,尚未清洗设备先进的浮在水电站。At present there are not yet cleaning equipments of advanced floater in hydropower stations.

从你的字典里去掉飞蚊症这个单词,然后愉快的生活,别忘了吃蔬菜。Erase the word "floater" from your vocabulary and go live a happy life. Don't forget your vegetables.

一个月前我得了飞蚊症,而且不消散。然后4天前症状更加严重。I got a floater a month ago, it did not dissolve, and then I got an even bigger one about 4 days ago.

通过用漂浮的PP球更换标准球,重力球形止回阀可以改造为适用于空气或气体排气口。Gravity ball check may be converted for air or gas venting by replacement of standard ball with floater PP ball.

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漠雨作为杜克的好朋友在3.11的浪中完成了这个浪尖停留的动作,你可以很清楚的看见板尖的贴纸。Moyu as the best friend of Duke, pulled off a nice floater at 3.11 ri yue session. you can see the sticker very clear.

我的父母身穿救生衣,紧紧地相互依偎着,努力使头部浮出水面。My parents, who were donned in floater jackets, clung desperately to each other, trying to keep their heads above water.

史蒂夫布雷克的跑投使波特兰在下半场伊始便以71比61领先,此后阿尔德里奇快攻得分,87比74扩大优势。Steve Blake's floater put Portland up 71-61 early in the second half, and Aldridge extended it to 87-74 on a fast-break layup.

上手发球有不同的方法,例如上手飘球、手旋转球和大力发球等。Overhand serves may be played in differents ways, such as the overhand floater serve, the overhand spin serve and the power serve.

你最好在读完这篇文章之后关上你的电脑,然后永远都不用去想飞蚊症这个词了。Seriously after you finish reading the articles in this website, close your computer and don't even think about the word "floater" ever again.

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常规方法将低频浮体运动作为准静态效应考虑,对于连接在锚泊钻井装置上的深水钻井隔水管而言是不精确的。Traditional approach considering LF floater motions as a quasi-static effect is inaccurate for a deepwater drilling riser attached to a moored MODU.

研究了纤维增强环氧发泡材料用于轿车刹车油液面指示用浮子。In this paper, fiber-reinforced epoxy foam composite used as floater for indicating height of oil level in automobile braking system was investigated.

原因很简单,固定息票率债券的存续期是浮动利率证券的存续期和逆向浮动利率证券的存续期的加权平均数。The explanation is quite simple. The duration of the fixed-rate coupon bond is the weighted average of the duration of the floater and inverse floater.