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很明显,这首诗有其权威性。The poem is obviously magisterial.

夏里克女士的书从以上几个方面对中国进行了眺望式的分析。Ms Shirk's magisterial book gazes down on China from above.

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他关于土地问题的权威著作至今仍然适用。His magisterial work on the agrarian question is still valid.

这些马蒂斯的主题都是包含在这个裁判画。All of these Matisse themes are combined in this magisterial painting.

在第三部分“历史”,阿隆提供了一个20世纪的权威的调查。In part three "History", Aron offers a magisterial survey of the 20th century.

群众愈没有文化,就愈容易被人愚弄,愈容易服从长官意志。The more there is no culture, the more easily fooled, more amenable to magisterial volition.

威敏思特圣徒所承继的、教会改教家的中世纪基督国度的神治国家观念,在这个想法中,扮演了一个角色。The medieval, theocratic notion of Christendom that the divines inherited from the magisterial reformers undoubtedly played a role in this thinking.

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作为炼金术士的艾萨克爵士,他说道,和作为权威的数学原理的作者的艾萨克爵士比起来不呈多让。Sir Isaac the Alchemist, he said, was no less the fierce and uncompromising scientist than was Sir Isaac, author of the magisterial Principia Mathematica.

系科是一个教育和艺术的制度,包括基本的活动、基本的学习、专业的学习、权威性的和博士的学习。The faculty is an educational and art institution which includes, in its basic activities, basic studies, specialized studies, magisterial studies and doctoral studies.

众多的艺人中数科尔曼.霍金斯最显眼,他首创了爵士萨克斯,他的声音是那么响亮,甚至都不需要麦克风。One of the griots was the magisterial Coleman Hawkins, who invented the jazz tenor saxophone, and whose signature sound was so huge he didn't need a microphone in a club.

大卫·欧蒙德是英国资历最为丰富的情报官员,他把洛伦采蒂这幅旷世巨作当做700年后审视国家安全意义所在的起点。David Omand, one of Britain’s most experienced “securocrats”, takes Lorenzetti’s magisterial work as his starting point in examining what national security means nearly 700 years later.

在纽曼教授看来,以上皆否,他说道,艾萨克爵士,与那个权威数学原理的作者牛顿相比,这个炼金术士一个是更为疯狂而又不易妥协的牛顿。In Dr. Newman’s view, none of the above. Sir Isaac the Alchemist, he said, was no less the fierce and uncompromising scientist than was Sir Isaac, author of the magisterial Principia Mathematica.