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悔怨的心有一种伤感。The sorrow of a contrite heart.

那是苏写的一封表示悔恨的短信。It was a contrite little note from Sue.

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事实上,他的声音听起来又沮丧又后悔。In fact, he sounded somber and contrite.

因为神所悦纳的祭,乃是忧伤痛悔的心。The sacrifices He accepts are broken and contrite hearts.

本周,深表懊悔的李明博总统表示将会听取民众所关心的问题。This week a contrite Mr Lee said he would listen to the public’s concerns.

而现在他们的良知回来了,开始对于整件事情表现出了忏悔。Now the blood's started flowing they're getting contrite about the whole thing.

Sucre懊悔地向她解释,他打不通Maricruz的手机。A contrite Sucre explains that he can’t seem to reach Maricruz on her cell phone.

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“我不太清楚它是如何把燃料转变成能的。”汤姆回答道,脸上露出歉疚的笑容。"I'm not certain how it converts fuel to power, " Linda replied dawn a contrite smile.

无论过去的罪多大,只要带着忧伤痛悔的心回到祂那里,祂就洗净他们。God washes clean those who, no matter their past sins, return to him with a contrite heart.

在50分钟的讲话中,布拉戈耶维奇脸上交替出现了藐视一切、激情澎湃以及一度深感懊悔的表情。Mr. Blagojevich was by turns defiant, impassioned and, briefly, contrite during his 50-minute address.

我同意一些人的这种看法——在作证后的第一次声明中,我没有表现出足够的悔悟。I agree with those who have said that in my first statement after I testified, I was not contrite enough.

他要每个儿女都认识他,但他单与“心灵痛悔谦卑的人同居。”God desires every child to know Him, but He dwells only with him that is "of a contrite and humble spirit."

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接着是一场大吵大闹,尽管在母亲的严命下,艾米作了忏悔性的道歉,乔却不肯罢休。There was a terrible fracas, and, though at her mother's bidding Amy made contrite apology, Jo refused to be pacified.

这次电话采访是在本周四晚上,长达45分钟,沙浪斯通首先情绪激动言语尖锐,接下来才对自己的评论表示后悔。In the 45-minute telephone interview Thursday night, Ms. Stone was at first strident and then contrite about her remarks.

我花了十年时间追踪一个“恶魔”,到头来却找到一个形容枯槁的老头,他深感懊悔而表现人道。I'd spent 10 years pursuing a "monster", and found instead a wizened old man who appeared to be contrite and displaying humanity.

事实上,卡兰非但没有对公司的损失表示出悔意,还马上表示雷曼准备再次在市场上发起攻击。Indeed, rather than sounding contrite about the firm's losses, Ms. Callan was quick to say it is ready to again play offense in markets.

虽然最后曼联仍然顺利赢得了比赛,但是21岁的纳尼已经认识到了自己的错误并且为自己的行为感到十分懊悔。In the end it made no difference to the overall outcome of the game, but 21-year-old Nani has since recognised his misdemeanour and is clearly contrite.

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中国的年轻人们总喜欢抓住一切机会指责日本人,因为他们总是觉得日本人并没有为他们在二战中对中国犯下的罪行充分地道歉。Young Chinese often seize any opportunity to castigate the Japanese, whom they see as insufficiently contrite for the atrocities of the second world war.

即使当我门底塞进一张画了只可爱的变形的小猫的自制卡片,并且写了“亲爱的妈妈,我对不起,我是粗鲁。Not even when I found a home-made card, slipped under the door, featuring a sweet, lopsided kitten, and the contrite legend "Dear Mummy, I am sorry I was rude.

我们也往往在离开的时候,不可以潇洒地掉头就走,而是一顾三叹,余情未了,在决定离开的第一秒钟里就开始痛恨或后悔。When left, sometimes we could not turn around and go away chicly but felt reluctant and even began to feel contrite at the first minute when we made the decision.