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三角先生希望有人把门打开,如此徒劳地。Mr Triangle is waiting for someone who can open the door, so fruitlessly.

3月12日以来虽然她每天都在寻找,但却毫无音讯。Her niece had been searching fruitlessly for her every day since March 12th.

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“稀释血液”也很流行,徒劳无功地,有时候还是致命的。"Thinning the Blood, " was also very popular, fruitlessly useless, and sometimes deadly.

这一次,毛驴愤怒地用蹄子去踢老虎,但是却非常笨拙无力。The donkey became extremely angry this time, and tried hard to kick the tiger but fruitlessly.

我们搜索了三十多分钟,直到我的秃顶被日头晒的三度灼伤,也没有看到鞋的影子。We searched fruitlessly for thirty minutes until I had a third-degree sunburn on my bald spot.

一年中每一天都在可憎的生意经中白白蹉跎,像横扫着窗玻璃的雨丝。A whole year of days would pass fruitlessly in dreary business, like dashes of rain on the window-pane.

但是道尔仍然忠实于英国王室,甚至在第一次世界大战失去儿子。But Doyle remained loyal to the British crown, even after fruitlessly losing a son in the First World War.

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另一位客户一直在追讨由伦敦法院判给她的在卢森堡和德国的财产。Another has been pursuing, expensively and so far fruitlessly , assets in Luxembourg and Germany awarded by a London court.

而当地警方的一份声明称,他们没有找到杨家勤,警方告诉他妻子,让她丈夫投案自首。In a statement, the police insisted that they had searched fruitlessly for Mr. Yang, then told his wife he should turn himself in.

齐比因找不到可以丰富他少得可怜的人称代词的词语而变得低落,所以我们终止了采访。Zibbi becomes distressed as he fruitlessly searches for words which might join his isolated personal pronoun and we stop the interview.

欧盟贸易专员彼得·曼德尔森本周与中国官方的谈判毫无进展,到目前为止已更显谨慎。The EU's trade commissioner, Peter Mandelson, who was this week negotiating fruitlessly with Chinese officials, has been more circumspect—so far.

在乔布斯返回苹果公司之前,公司曾尝试开发新版本的Macintosh操作系统却一无所获。Before Steve Jobs returned to Apple, the company had spent several years fruitlessly trying to develop a modern version of the Macintosh operating system.

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另外一位客户在以高昂的代价索取由英国法庭裁决的在卢森堡和德国的资产,到目前为止还毫无结果。Another has been pursuing, expensively and so far fruitlessly , assets in Luxembourg and Germany awarded by a London court. Pensions are particularly tricky.

相较于徒劳的争论模型与其他假设,它们可以把注意力集中在基本的权衡上,全面意识到未来可能发生的意外。Instead of fruitlessly debating models and other assumptions, they can focus on the fundamental trade-offs, fully aware of the surprises that the future may bring.

还有人指出尼泊尔的政治家们一直更关注于他们自己的幸福以及长达七年徒劳无获的关于新宪法的争吵,而在此期间,却很少把心思放在对国家的管理上。Others point out that politicians have long been interested mainly in their own well-being, fruitlessly debating a new constitution for the past seven years while paying little attention to governing.