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一有危险迹象,潜艇就会潜入水中。At the first sign of danger the submarine would submerge.

一家公司需要一艘潜水艇潜水至深海。A company needed a submarine to submerge into the deep sea.

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把它给我”海浮石沉下脸色。Give me it"the sea pumice submerge down facial expression."

“潜艇飞不起来,”他说,“但海飞机却能潜水。”"Submarines cannot fly, " he says, "but seaplanes can submerge."

水快涨到跟岩石一样高了,很快就会淹没它。The waters were rising about the rock and would soon submerge it.

一旦海平面升高,意味着一部分陆地将淹没在水下。If sea levels rise, it means some parts of land will submerge under water.

天真的笑如冬日的暖阳,沉默暂时淹没了时间。Innocent laugh like winter warming sun, silence submerge temporarily time.

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如果你头疼得厉害,还可以把头也没入水中。You can also submerge your head if you are suffering from severe headache.

但你必须把自己沉浸于这些小组里,我说得不够多。But you have to submerge yourself in those groups, and I don't speak it enough,

伦敦水下技术学会工程师兼首席执行官鲍勃.阿伍德说,“问题是要让它下沉,需让飞行器的密度比水的密度稍微大一点。The problem is that the craft has still got to be slightly denser than water to submerge.

然后将喷头放进袋子里浸没,用头绳将喷头顶部和袋子扎在一起。Submerge your shower head in the bag and group it together at the top of the shower head using a hair tie.

若任一对手操控树林,并且你操控海岛,则你不需支付其魔法力费用,便可以使用没顶。If an opponent controls a forest and you control an island, you may play Submerge without paying its mana cost.

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想象一下,稍稍潜入水中,便会听见奇妙的音乐声,是多么惬意。Imagine how relaxing it would be if you could slightly submerge into the water and actually experience the music.

一小时后关闭整流器,删除的部分,而淹没在小苏打水来中和酸的。After an hour turn off the rectifier, remove the part and submerge it in baking soda water to neutralize the acid.

然后你开始本节,果皮几个土豆和淹没,他们在冷水中,让他们脆和白色。Before you begin this section, peel several potatoes and submerge them in cold water to keep them crisp and white.

木荣为了查出言廷的罪证,再次借机潜入言廷的办公室盗取资料。但这次终被言廷捉拿,而言廷更利用木荣将小嘉一并拿下胁持。Wood in order to find out the evidence of katyn, rong to submerge again put it at the office to steal information.

足够盖住她亲家的谷仓,盖住她儿子的摇椅,挡住他第一楼窗口看出去的景观。Enough to nearly cover her in-laws barn, submerge her son's swing set and block the view from her first floor windows.

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巴尔干半岛国家真的会消解种族对立而仅仅是为了得到进入陷入困境的欧盟的入场券?Will the Balkan countries really submerge their ethnic antagonisms simply to gain admission to a troubled European Union?

沉水植物是水体中磷在上覆水与底质中分配的重要影响因素。Submerge plant was an importance factor that affected the distribution of phosphorus between overlying water and sediment.

当心灵的持续对话停下,我们让平静将自己淹没,一种恐惧由内而生。When the incessant chatter of the mind stops and we let the quietness around submerge us, something sacred is born within.