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我是专程来办一件差事的。I've come on a special errand.

著名的昆神盗宝的故事就发生在此。Kun-known story of God errand in this.

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社会媒体为中心,跑腿分享网站。Social media-centric, errand sharing site.

然而,要知道通过立法来平衡贸易只是徒劳。But trying to legislate trade balance is a fool's errand.

我实际上必须到比佛利威尔希尔酒店跑一趟腿。I actually had to go and run an errand at the Beverly Wilshire.

第一个方法返回具有最高差事标识的差事。The first method returns the errand with the highest errand ID.

男孩手里握着钱快速地跑出去买东西。The boy quickly went on an errand with money clasped in his hands.

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差事的被拒绝新状态现在反映到了列表中。The new status of the rejected errand is now reflected in the list.

王对自己的力量感到骄傲,但他其实不过是神的小当差罢了。The king was proud of his power, but he was really just God's errand boy.

用户必须注册并登录才可访问差事服务应用。Users must be registered and logged in to access the errand service application.

那一年,欧几里德12岁。他是个黑人孩子,干着拉皮条、引路和跑腿儿的差事。Euclide was a 12-year-old black kid who worked as a hustler, guide and errand boy.

这男孩是家里五个孩子中的老大,因此必须辍学并找了份跑腿工作。The boy, eldest of five children, had to quit school and work as an errand runner.

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于是有一天,她就敲开蟾蜍囚室的门,去做行善的事。So that day she went on her errand of mercy, and knocked at the door of Toad’s cell.

但是太多人很容易就被洗衣服、照顾孩子、以及其他突发事件耽误了工作。But too many people are easily sidetracked by the laundry, their kids, a quick errand.

你只有成为一个熟练的读者,才有可能成为一个好的作者。Until you're a proficient reader of a language, writing in our language is a fool's errand.

通过输入一个投标价格和可选的注释对选中的差事进行投标,并提交表单。Bid on the selected errand by entering a bid and an optional comment, and submitting the form.

她想到这趟出门与她先前想的可能不一样,一时间不知所措。She was nonplussed at the possibility of the errand being different from what she had thought.

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建议你到我这儿来借钱的人让你白跑一趟了。我可是从不借钱给别人的。The people who advised to come to me for money sent you on a fool's errand . I never lend money.

数十亿美元花在远程气象预报上是一个劳而无功的事。Billions of dollars have been spent on long-range weather forecasting, but it is a fool's errand.

大家都忍受着死亡的痛苦被迫地抢着做一些令人难以理解的差事。Everybody rushing about on some incomprehensible errand someone forced him to do at pain of death.