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他极度地关心罗摩拉。He cared supremely for Romola.

当我们都无上地爱着上帝的时候,他就会微笑。God smiles when we love him supremely.

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发善心是容易的,丽齐准会高兴得发狂。It is easy to be kind. She will be supremely happy.

无比的爱上帝和像爱自己那样爱邻居。Loving God supremely and loving your neighbor as yourself.

他就是这样一个世界级的演员,他是如此千钧才华。He is just such a world-class actor, he's so supremely talented.

程序和统计了滴答地响,他似乎非常有信心。Ticking off programs and statistics, he seemed supremely confident.

在经历了上海的喧闹之后,在西湖边走是极端的享受。Walking around West Lake is supremely pleasant after the buzz of Shanghai.

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即使是一些非基督徒都认为耶稣的教导极有见地。Even some non-­Christians say that Jesus' teachings are supremely insightful.

最成功的社会化软件往往在开始有一个做的非常好的功能。The most successful social software starts out doing one task supremely well.

民族不同并不会在大政方针上造成太大不同。The different ethnicity would not cause grand policy to be supremely different.

超柔软的瑜伽裤让你第一眼就选中它。Supremely soft and pre-loved yoga pants for that perfect look, right from the start.

如果没有别人与他保持一致,这并不能够完全确定他是正确的。It is not enough to be supremely sure that he is right if no one else agrees with him.

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作者是个极度优雅的文体大师,他令读者不禁颤抖,但绝无失望。The author, a supremely refined stylist, leaves the reader shaken, but not in despair.

他们的目标是培育低糖但很甜的水果和蔬菜。Their goal is to design low-sugar fruits and vegetables that taste supremely saccharine.

中国一定是做了非常对的事才产生了我们见到的经济奇迹。China must have done something supremely right to produce the economic miracle we observe.

这条对于活人可谓千真万确的道理在一定程度上也完全适用于人的思想,它们也都是活的。What is supremely true of living objects is only less true of ideas, which are also alive.

极度优雅的苏丹阿赫迈特清真寺是世界上唯一一座有6座塔的清真寺。The supremely elegant Sultanahmet Mosque is the only Mosque with six minarets in the world.

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哪一个游戏值得如此不断地反复练习与操作,玩到这样如火纯青的娴熟程度呢?Is any game worth playing supremely well, at the price of constant practice and application?

这就是从小具有修枝剪叶的高超技艺的绅士所干的事。It was performed by a gentleman supremely advanced at a very early age in the art of cutting.

梅勒总是极度的自信和外露,有时看起来就像是追逐名利的小丑。Always a supremely confident extrovert, Mailer at times seemed like a publicity-seeking clown.