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她讲的法语带有很难听的口音。She speaks French with an atrocious accent.

他们犯下了极其凶残的暴行。They committed the most atrocious cruelties.

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我们警告过他们,事情将会变成一团乱麻。We warned them, It’s going to become an atrocious mess.

但是,当下中国的人文教育状况实在是糟透了。But the current state of Chinese humanities is frankly atrocious.

我们评估认为那里的劳资做法相当残酷。Our assessment is that there are pretty atrocious labor practices.

人类有能力去对另一个民族残暴。Human beings are capable of atrocious behavior towards one another.

对于今天在伦敦发生的残忍的爆炸事件我感到非常震惊。I was devastated by the atrocious bombings that struck London today.

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布莱尔是如此凶狠的防守悍将,你不能一直将他放在场上。Blair is such an atrocious defender that you can't really keep him on the court.

当然,在本轮糟糕透顶的熊市中,人们很难相信任何良好感觉。Of course, it's hard to trust any feel-good feeling in this atrocious bear market.

家人的行为越恶劣,在转述中就越滑稽。The more atrocious your family's behavior is, the funnier it can be in the retelling.

安全防爆型产品,可用于恶劣环境及危险性场合。Safe and anti-explosive product, can be used in atrocious environment and hazardous areas.

以上糟糕的视频足以解释这个产品令人难以置信地失败的原因。The atrocious video above is almost reason enough for this incredible failure of a product.

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根据美国历史学家张晓鸣的说法,在这场战争中,地面战非常的致命和残忍。The war was "deadly and atrocious onthe ground, " according to US historian Xiaoming Zhang.

只有一只跟众神之王一样残暴的老鹰,每天用爪和嘴啄他。An eagle, atrocious as the baron of the gods, came circadian and tore him with his claws and bill.

当然,也许你认为萝卜很糟糕,你宁愿吃米奇D的双层三明治。Sure, maybe you think carrots are atrocious and you’d rather eat a Mickey D’s double cheeseburger.

我们经常跟那些垄断色彩浓厚的企业打交道,他们的客服实在是太糟糕了。Most of the companies they deal with are quasi-monopolies that get away with atrocious customer service.

他们的思想还停留在专注于动物本能对性和食物那点贪婪可怜的欲望上。And I could not imagine a human being so blinded by cupidity as to sell poison to such an atrocious creature.

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他们已经做了大量工作序,以降低记忆体使用量在FF3这是残酷的FF2版本。They've done a great work inorder to bring down the memory usage in FF3 which was atrocious in the FF2 versions.

如果您能忍受我糟糕透顶的发音,咱们不妨念几页。If you will put up with my atrocious pronunciation, I would like to read you a few pages of your ancestor's work.

勒布朗则是彻底的失败,他的糟糕直逼我能想象的底限,糟糕透顶!The story is of LeBron James' failure. He was as bad as I could imagine he'd ever be. He was atrocious. Atrocious.