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还有人性不受约束的观点。Now we have the unconstrained vision.

媒体试驾向来是天马行空,独往独来。Media test drive has always been unconstrained woolgather.

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他放任自己无限制的使用连结体诗句。He permits his own unconstrained indulgence in poetic enjambment.

天马行空的胡思乱想,有真有假。This is my unconstrained woolgather, some are true, some are false.

中国这种不受约束的技术官僚管治,绝非良决善策的保证。Such unconstrained technocracy is no guarantee of good ideas or decisions.

图案的豪放清晰和对比度为国内罕见。Pattern of the bold and unconstrained clear and contrast for domestic rare.

她天马行空、无奇不有的的想象力是无人能及的。She have a powerful and unconstrained style, the imagination is and no one.

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关于豪放派评价问题仍是有争议的,值得进行历史的反思。Now the judgment of Unconstrained Ci School has been debated and we ought to reflect it.

同不受任何规则约束的一连串步步升级的报复性措施相比,前者更为合宜。The alternative—a series of escalating retaliations unconstrained by any rules—is far worse.

给出了一个解无约束最优化问题的非单调的新的BFGS校正的信赖域算法。The paper proposes a nonmonotonic BFGS-trust-region algorithm for unconstrained optimization.

第二部分主要研究无约束最优化问题非单调信赖域法。At the second part, nonmonotonic trust region method for unconstrained optimization is studied.

填充函数法是一种解无约束全局极小化问题的方法。The filled function method is an approach for solving unconstrained global minimization problem.

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执本性不受约束观点的人,倾向乌托邦主义或共产主义。People who are more on the unconstrained vision would tend toward Utopianism or sometimes communism.

用无约束最优化方法求解各输入信息对涌水量的影响。Unconstrained optimization method is used to find out the effect of input information on water-make.

你只是传递了类型T,一个没有约束的类型参数,所以它可以是任何类型。You passed something known to be a T, an unconstrained type parameter, and hence it could be anything.

信赖域方法是解无约束优化问题的有效的和可靠的方法。Algorithms based on trust regions have been shown to be robust for unconstrained optimization problems.

本文讨论求解无约束最优化问题的DFP算法的全局收敛性问题。This paper deals with the global convergence problem of DFP method for unconstrained optimization problems.

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实验结果显示,本方法可稳定且正确地于行进间侦测出移动物体之良好外型。Experiments showed that well-shaped moving object detection results under unconstrained scenes are obtained.

本文对于非凸函数的无约束优化问题,给出一类修正的BFGS算法。To the unconstrained programme of nonconvex function, this article gives a class of modified BFGS algorithm.

看似古旧的家具,往往让人们回想起美国西部牛仔粗旷豪放的生活。It looks like ancient furniture, but always make people fetch up unconstrained life of west America buckaroos.