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什么是禁运品,都包括什么?What does the contraband include?

非规定服装,违禁品。Non-regulation clothing, contraband.

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里面没有违禁物品。There are no contraband goods inside.

爱丽斯很确定什么是违禁物品吗?Is Alice quite sure what's contraband?

你行李里有什么违禁品吗?Is there any contraband in your luggage?

在他的房子里发现了走私货。Contraband goods were found in his house.

那些走私品是被海关没收的。The seizure of contraband is made by customs.

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行李中有违禁物品吗?Do you have anything contraband in your luggage?

政府已扣押了那批走私货。The customs officials confiscated the contraband.

我知道了,在您的行李里有违禁物品吗?I see. Have you got any contraband in your luggage?

在伊布斯威治海关人员来麻烦我。The customs officials confiscated the contraband from the man.

偷运违禁物品的行为,要受到法律的制裁。People who smuggle contraband goods will be punished by the law.

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工作人员会检查你是否带了禁运品。The officers will check to see if you are carrying any contraband.

如今,监狱中的违禁品不再局限于毒品和武器。Drugs and weapons aren't the only contraband in prisons these days.

被用来从一地到另一地运送毒品或违禁品的人。A person used to transport drugs or contraband from one place to another.

海关人员仔细搜查了一艘有走私嫌疑的海轮。The customs officers rummaged the ship suspected to have contraband goods.

据报道,这些走私品被藏在形状像棺材的木箱里。The contraband was reported to be hidden in wooden boxes shaped like coffins.

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安检等待区还增配了,反复通知旅客不许携带违禁品。Also, PA equipment were added as well, alerting the passengers not taking contraband.

囚犯们纷纷将违禁品扔出他们的牢房,扔到牢房区的第一层。Prisoners jettison a storm of contraband from their cells onto the prison floor below.

走私者总是尽力地使移动的人群和走私的物品隐蔽地从一个地方运输到另一个地方。MOVING people and contraband unseen from one place to another is what smugglers do best.