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物从钚放散出来。Dangerous emissions radiate from plutonium.

钚会不会存在于饮用水里呢?What about plutonium in the drinking water?

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钸弹失败的可能因素有很多。Plutonium weapons have several ways of misfiring.

作用下,二氧化钚的基态几何结构、电偶极矩和分子总能量。Ground state of plutonium dioxide in electric fields ranging from-0.

关键的部分是朝鲜民主主义人民共和国所公布的金属钸的数量。The key ones will be the amount of plutonium that the DPRK declares.

本月早期,朝鲜称它生产了更多的武器级钚。Earlier this month it said it had produced more weapons-grade plutonium.

日本拥有大量用于核能工业的钚储备。Japan has large stockpiles of plutonium for its nuclear-energy industry.

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钸元素以及高度浓缩铀可以用来制造核武器。Plutonium and highly enriched uranium can be used to build nuclear weapons.

两个旧钚处理厂遭到不明原因受到损坏。Two old plutonium disposal plants damaged at once by some unestablished reason.

在11岁,他开始开采铀和在互联网上购买一瓶瓶的钚。At 11, he started mining for uranium and buying vials of plutonium on the Internet.

混合氧化物燃料棒含钚,这些燃料棒已经部分暴露。Mixed oxide fuel rods are partly made of plutonium. These fuel rods are partly exposed.

在酒泉的反应堆大约生产了0.9吨的军用钵。The Jiuquan reactor could have facilitated about 0.9 tonness of weapon-grade plutonium.

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与此同时,还有一种关于钚的仓库盘点程序不严的观点。There has been a parallel argument about the lax stock-taking procedures for plutonium.

朝鲜此后一直表示其当时只是在用钸试图建造原子弹。Until now, North Korea has only said it was using plutonium to try to build atomic bombs.

目前已知有三种裂变材料,它们是铀233,铀235,以及钚。Only three fissile materials are known at present, there being U-233, U-235, and plutonium.

炼金术,或嬗变,已经在元素周期表中增加了新元素,包括钚。Alchemy, or transmutation, has placed new elements on the periodic table, including plutonium.

用于制造核弹的裂变材料包括高浓缩铀和钚。Fissile materials used in nuclear bomb production include highly enriched uranium and plutonium.

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就算用过燃料中未分离的钸落入坏人之手,所造成的风险也小得多。So unseparated plutonium in spent fuel poses a far smaller risk of ending up in the wrong hands.

尽管阻挠朝鲜拥有10枚核弹头所需的钚原料已为时过晚。Even though it is too late to prevent North Korea from having the plutonium for perhaps 10 bombs.

这就终将会允许印度从美国已经用尽的燃料中提取出钚。This will eventually allow India to extract plutonium from spent reactor fuel of American origin.