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总统不希望肯塔基州脱离联邦,也不希望它保持中立。He did not want the state to secede. Nor did he want it to remain neutral.

林肯说,任何一个州都无权脱离联邦,美利坚合众国不会分裂。Lincoln said no state had a legal right to secede -- the Union could not be broken.

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几天来,似乎所有这些州都将脱离联邦加入到南方邦联中去。For several days, it seemed that all these states would secede and join the southern confederacy.

僵局导致人们担忧比利时北部说荷兰语的法兰德斯人可能退出比利时政府的统治。The stalemate has led to concern that dutch speaking flanders in the north of belgium could secede.

1861年爆发南北战争,南方各州宣称有权脱离联邦。The Civil War began in 1861 when the southern states asserted a right to secede from the United States.

即使南方脱离联邦而没有发生战争,他说,南方的脱离仍然无法得到它所需要的任何东西。Even if the south could secede without war, he said, it still would not get any of the things it demanded.

解除对该地区军事管制的举动距离南苏丹从北方独立出来还有三周的时间。The move to demilitarise the area comes just three weeks before the south is due to secede from the north.

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尼雷尔兹被罗舒·苏内组织的特工绑架。该组织要求安塔尔4号卫星脱离旧共和国。Nirrelz had been kidnapped by Roshu Sune agents, who were demanding that Antar 4 secede from the Old Republic.

白教授首先试图回答“为什么南方脱离在1861年这个讲座?”Professor Blight begins this lecture with an attempt to answer the question "why did the South secede in 1861?"

盖茨国防部长说,北约绝不能认同俄罗斯帮助阿布哈兹和南奥塞梯脱离格鲁吉亚的任何努力。Secretary Gates said NATO must not accept Russia's effort to help Abkhazia and South Ossetia secede from Georgia.

维吉尼亚州脱离联邦的决定使合众国损失了一位卓越的军事指挥人才,他就是罗作特.E.李。It was just across the Potomac River from Washington. Virginia's decision to secede cost the Union a military commander of great ability.

简而言之,伴随着脱离大英帝国的决定而来的,是为襁褓中的美利坚合众国准备的一份货真价实的革命日程表。In short, the decision to secede from the British Empire was accompanied by a truly revolutionary agenda for the infant American republic.

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当思拉坎·萨尔—索洛威胁率科雷利亚星系脱离银盟时,卢克发现自己开始怀疑绝地的忠诚了。When Thrackan Sal-Solo threatened to have the Corellian System secede from the Alliance, Luke found himself questioning the allegiance of the Jedi.

当思拉肯萨尔-索洛威胁率科雷利亚星系脱离同盟时,卢克发现自己开始怀疑绝地的忠诚了。When Thrackan Sal-Solo threatened to have the Corellian System secede from the Alliance, Luke found himself questioning the allegiance of the Jedi.

现代茶叶党第一次引起世人关注是在四月份,当时德克萨斯州州长威胁脱离合众国以抗议联邦政府的挥霍无度。The group first began rising to prominence in April, when the governor of Texas threatened to secede from the union in protest against government spending.

如果南方各州拒绝所有有关奴隶制问题的妥协,他们有权脱离联邦吗?If southern states rejected all compromises on slavery, did they have the right to secede? The signing of the eighteen fifty compromise cooled the debate for a time.

2011全民投票是否到期取决于南方,在南方,那里大部分人是基督信徒或者是传统的宗教信仰者,应该脱离阿拉伯为主的大多数穆斯林北方。A referendum is due in 2011 on whether the South, where most people are Christian or follow traditional religions, should secede from the Arab-dominated mostly-Muslim North.

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要想给安德森他们运送给养,就必须打开通往萨姆特堡的航道,而这样一场战斗就意味着血腥的内战暴发,而且这也将导致其他仍然留在联邦的奴隶州脱离联邦加入到南方邦联中。Such a battle was sure to begin a bitter civil war. There also was the danger that fighting would cause slave states still in the Union to secede and join the southern Confederacy.

USDP誓言支持"遵守法律,反对将国家的任何部分从联邦分离出去",据说这是该党“全国政策”的第一要务。The USDP vows to support the “legal binding that no party of the country must ever secede from the Union” and describes it as the first priority of the party's “National Policies.”

坚信棉花是王者,可以指挥整个世界的南方人发现当他们试图分裂出去时,其它的更强大的力量去篡夺了他们的王者的权力。Southerners, convinced that cotton was king and could command the world, found when they attempted to secede that other, more powerful forces had usurped the power of their monarch.