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又像从没没有活过般死去。adn die as though they had never lived.

译为安迪和贝蒂昨天吃了很多香瓜。Dean adn Betty pigged on cantaloupe yesterday.

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鲜花扮靓桌子,有趣的人扮靓厅堂。Flowers adorn the table adn interesting people adorn the hall.

他轻手轻脚地走近,使尽全力拍了一掌。He walked to it carefully adn slapp edit with all his strength.

他小心的走过去,然后用尽全力拍下去。He walked to it carefully adn slapped it with all his strength.

这样吧,把这根绳子的一头系在你的脖子上,另一头系住我的缰绳。Here, tie this rope round your neck adn fasten it to my bridle.

进口无油双真空泵,噪音低、免维护。Non-oil imported daul vacuum pumps, low noise adn maintenance-free.

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按摩的环境要温暖,轻松,没有压力也不被打扰。Choose a warm, peaceful environment free from interruptions adn stresses.

以城镇总体开发为主的建设项目。Regarding town adn village global development as main construction project.

几维鸟被当作是国家的象征,新西兰人也这样称呼自己。The kiwi is a national symbol adn New Zealanders refer to themselves as Kiwis.

我看重的就是那家公司有很好的晋升机会和培训机制。It is the good promotion opportunity adn training mechanism in that company that attracts me.

成立了一个仲裁委员会以按照仲裁规则审理和裁决该争端。An arbitration board was fomed to hear adn decide the dispute according to the rules of arbitration.

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报纸和杂志出高价向他们购买文字、图片的独家报道权。Newspapers adn magazines offered the family huge sums for the exclusive rights to publish stories adn photographs.

但随即我告诉自己我是幸运的---能够幸运地活下来,幸运有食物、有工具,幸运自己还年轻力壮。Then I told myself that I was lucky-lucky to be alive, lucky to have food adn tools, lucky to be young and strong.

就现行中国税收治理体系在公正方面的不足及对策进行了探究。This paper discussed the defect adn countermeasures of present china tax administrating system in fairness aspect.

考察了添加在镍基催化剂中的碱金属助剂对甲烷与空气制合成气的催化反应性能的影响。The results showed that the nickel-based catalyst had good catalytic performances for ADN partial hydrogenation to ACN.

把我带到林子里去吧,别担心我会逃跑,这样吧,把这根绳子的一头系在你的脖子上,另一头系住我的缰绳。Take me into the forest . Don't be afraid that I shall try to escape. Here, tie this rope round your neck adn fasten it to my bridle.

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在2006到2010这个第十一个五年计划中,中国拟定了节约能源的目标。During the 11th Five-Year Plan which spans from 2006 to 2010, China has set energy-consumption adn pollutant emissions reduction targets.

诱导技术借助适宜刺激诱导被测人员产生犯罪心理生理反应,因此需要对测试案情进行科学分析,并建构有效的测试结构。With the help of some proper stimulation, inducing technics induce the tested person to have psychological adn physical reaction of crime.

金卓系列采用完全性多功能调整设计,从头枕、椅背与座垫可进行全方位的调整。Enjoy series adopt fully multifunctional adjustment design, from headrest, backrest adn seat cushion enable to omni-directional adjustment.