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我们发现丰富的矿脉突然增大了。We discovered the rich lode bellied out.

专家警告称,网络数据数量巨大也有其弊端。The rich lode of Web data, experts warn, has its perils.

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它使中国听上去就像个全球利润矿脉,媒体就经常这样报道中国。It makes China sound like the global profit lode it is so often reported to be.

因此发现了收获赞美诗,在礼拜式的古卷小片上,是一个虚拟的母亲矿脉。So the harvest hymn find, on a scrap of liturgical scroll, was a virtual mother lode.

应用罗代参数对压延工艺中的凸缘部分进行应力和应变分析。Lode parameters are used to analyze the stress and the strain of the flange in calendering.

存在水冰的地方都存在着一个月球氢勘探的矿脉。Where you have water ice, you have a potential mother lode for lunar prospecting of hydrogen.

那不过是手机用到的一段段的电磁波段,一层层的自然频谱。It is a section of the electromagnetic frequency scale, a lode of natural channels used by cellphones.

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应用罗代参数对压延工艺中的凸缘部分进行应力和应变分析。In this paper Lode parameters are used to analyze the stress and the strain of the flange in calendering.

在很短时间内,布朗·希尔就找到了自己的“金矿脉”,它的高级葡萄酒取得巨大成功。In a short time Brown Hill has struck its own "gold lode" experiencing great success with its superb wines.

伐木工于1960年代发现了这个地区的原始森林,而后开始砍伐,特别是这里古老的松树。Loggers discovered the region's mother lode of timber in the 1960s and began cutting, especially old-growth pine.

中产阶级的目光短浅、自鸣得意和因循守旧是情景喜剧写手和小说家们创作灵感的重要来源。Its narrow-mindedness, complacency and conformism are the mother lode of material for sitcom writers and novelists.

他们目光短浅、自命不凡、因循守旧的形象,总是为喜剧作家和小说家们提供着无穷无尽的笑料。Its narrow-mindedness , complacency and conformism are the mother lode of material for sitcom writers and novelists.

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研究人员找过一个又一个的器官,直到他们检视了脾脏,进而发现这个单核白血球的主矿脉。The researchers searched one organ after another, until they checked the spleen and found the monocytic mother lode.

矿脉数量多,规模大小不一,成矿与构造岩浆活动等关系密切。The formation of the lode is controlled by fracture conformation with a great deal of quantity and a different scope.

几年来,我第一次自己动手清洗汽车,而后又在橱柜背后发现许多豆豉。I cleaned the car by hand for the first time in years, then found a mother lode of black beans in the back of the cupboard.

岩金作为贵金属矿床,提倡使用损失率、贫化率低的充填采矿法开采。Filling-mining technique should be accepted to mine lode gold because of its advantages of low depletion rate and lost rate.

上地幔隆起区是控制砂金矿和岩金矿面式分布的主要因素。The upheaval zone in upper mantle is the primary factor controlling the distribution of gulch-gold mines and lode gold mines.

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北山矿段由数个系脉型铜金矿体组成,而南山矿段仅由11号系脉型铜金矿体组成。The Beishan section is made up of several lode gold-copper vein, and Nanshan section include only No. 11 lode vein copper-gold vein.

最后一项听起来像是丰富的资料来源,可用来重建暴露环境,但伊斯曼指出,实际上处理起来要困难得多。That last information source might sound like a rich lode for exposure reconstruction. But it is trickier than it seems, Esmen points out.

少数矿体或主矿体旁侧小矿体呈脉状、或具尖灭再现、分支复合特征。A handful of Lode country or main Lode country byway little orebody assume vein, or have the characteristic of balk reappear, compound of branch.